recanalization 中文意思是什麼

recanalization 解釋
  1. The results showed that 8 cases of preoperative patients in gelfoams group had a good effect and bleeding were reduced during operation. one patient had vascular recanalization at 1 month after embolization with gelfoam. all patients in bletilla striatas had ideal effect

    結果發現,明膠海綿組8例術前栓塞達到預期目的,術中分離容易,出血減少,有1例術后1個月血管再通, 3例效果好;白芨組均達到預期效果;彈簧鋼圈組3例栓塞術后發現側支供血動脈, 2例達到預期目的。
  2. The technology of selective salpingography and fallopian tube recanalization in the treatment of sterilization caused by oviduct emphraxis

  3. Siegel rj, fishbein mc, forrester j, et al. ultrasound plaque ablation : a new method for recanalization of partially or totally occluded arteries. circulation, 1988, 78 : 1443

    程樹群,吳孟超,陳漢,等.超聲消融術治療肝癌門靜脈癌栓的實驗研究.中華普通外科雜志, 1999 (待發表)
  4. After primary angioplasty, risk factors, peak serum creatine phosphokinase concentration, recanalization time, and es were similar in the two groups

    首次血管成形術后,兩組風險因素、峰值血清肌酸磷酸激酶濃度、血管再通時間及范圍分數( es )相似。
  5. Conclusion selective salpingography with fallopian tube recanalization is a minimally invasive method to treat tubal infertility

  6. We sought to determine the accuracy of serial national institutes of health stroke scale ( nihss ) scores to detect complete early recanalization of the middle cerebral artery

    我們設法確定一系列美國國立衛生研究院的中風尺度( nihss )的準確度,以便發現大腦中動脈的早期再通情況。
  7. Accuracy parameters are affected by the process of recanalization and its varying clinical significance

  8. This section of coronary artery demonstrates remote thrombosis with recanalization to leave only two small, narrow channels
