revolting 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ri'vəultiŋ]
revolting 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 反叛的;造反的;叛亂的;反抗的;起義的。
2. 使人厭惡的,令人惡心的。

  1. These facts, he alleges, and the revolting spectacles offered by our streets, hideous publicity posters, religious ministers of all denominations, mutilated soldiers and sailors, exposed scorbutic cardrivers, the suspended carcases of dead animals, paranoic bachelors and unfructified duennas - these, he said, were accountable for any and every fallingoff in the calibre of the race

  2. See what all with a revolting feeling, fidgety, become angry frequently

  3. He was gloating on her in the most revolting way all through lancheon.

  4. It is absurd and revolting but so ingrained that no effort is sufficient entirely to destroy it.

  5. Now its the prussian thats revolting

  6. Go, where you may, search where you will roam through all the monarchies and despotism of the old world, travel through south america, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, america reigns without a rival

  7. Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the old world, travel through south america, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, you will say with say with say with me that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, america reigns without a rival

  8. When anything particularly disagreeable or revolting had to be doneto put ones shoulder to a waggon stuck in the mud, to drag a horse out of a bog by the tail, to flay a horse, to creep into the midst of the french, to walk fifty versts in a dayevery one laughed, and looked to tihon to do it

  9. Each act of the abominable drama, which was carried on in perfect silence, being rounded off and finished with a furious and very revolting dance about the supposed victim.

  10. I don ' t fancy sleeping in someone else ' s revolting sweat

  11. The capital was recently attacked by the revolting peasants

  12. Keep britain tidy said children imitating their heroes were covering pavements in saliva and gum. chief executive alan woods said : " it is not just revolting - it has a cost

  13. But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart ; they are revolted and gone

    耶5 : 23但這百姓有背叛忤逆的心他們叛我而去。
  14. Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the old world, travel through south america, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, america reigns without a rival
