salween 中文意思是什麼

salween 解釋
  1. Similar sediment pollution scenarios are occurring in the headwaters of the salween and yangtze rivers

  2. The area is home to the distinctive " three river gorges country ", a unique geographical feature where three parallel ridges separate four of the mighty rivers of asia, the irrawaddy ( dulongjiang ), the salween ( nujiang ), the mekong ( lancangjiang ), and the upper headwaters of the yangtze ( known as the jinshajiang at that altitude )

    「三江峽谷」風景區就位於此地,它擁有獨特的地理風貌:三座平行的山脊將亞洲四條大河流? ?獨龍江、怒江、湄公河(瀾滄江)和長江上遊河段(又稱金沙江)分隔開來。
  3. It has begun to “ consult ”, after a fashion, the lower riparian states affected when it dams its rivers, such as the mekong and the salween

    在其國內河流諸如湄公河和怒江築壩截流時,中國勉強開始與下游受到影響的國家進行「磋商」 。