scrying 中文意思是什麼

scrying 解釋
  1. Scrying is divination of distant or future events based on visions seen in a ball of rock crystal

  2. Looking for message within crystals is a form of scrying

  3. Methods and history of a variety of divination and scrying techniques

  4. Scrying became widespread by the 5th century ad and was condemned by the medieval christian church as the work of the devil

  5. It helps to restore balance after jet lag, stress, birthing, and anesthesia. it is a good stone for scrying. it encourages past life recall and awakens ancient memories

  6. It is one of the better stones for scrying and for balancing psychic energies while at the same time enhancing the abilities of the wearer. it assists in clearer thought and vision. this can be the gem to open prior unknown pshchic talents

    2 .堇青石:即鎂含量高於鐵含量時稱為堇青石,較出名的是產于印度的富鎂品種,常被用來做成寶石又稱為印度石。