simplicity 中文意思是什麼

音標 [sim'plisiti]
simplicity 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 單純;簡單,簡易;輕便。
2. 質樸;天真;樸素;誠實。
3. 無知,愚鈍。
4. 卑賤。

  1. In many earlier studies simplicity of the algorithms used has been emphasized.

  2. The megalopolis of the ancient world was in arcadia, a part of greece cited by virgil as a model of happy, rural simplicity

  3. And here he recalled to himself some instances of what he could not help seeing was the artful simplicity of miss blanche.

  4. Madame de villefort listened with avidity to these appalling maxims and horrible paradoxes, delivered by the count with that ironical simplicity which was peculiar to him

  5. Isabel made a rapid induction: perfect simplicity was not the badge of his family.

  6. The banker was laughing at his simplicity.

  7. The bare bones of the scheme are its cheapness and simplicity

  8. Because of their simplicity, bipolar lead systems were the first to be used in clinical electrocardiography.

  9. The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children

  10. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

  11. To these question, this article will give some theory analysis : 1 ) the wind - electricity net circuity of malfunction, including simplicity and complexity

    針對這些問題,本文從以下幾個方面進行理論探討: ( 1 )風電系統中,針對簡單故障和復雜故障分別建立風電網等值電路圖。
  12. To maintain clarity and simplicity, we leave all thermodynamic considerations aside.

  13. The treatment of rayleigh waves in general incompressible materials usually entails no greater simplicity compared to compressible solids.

  14. Decision trees are widely applied in data mining for its character such as simplicity and concision compared with other classification models

  15. No connection between simplicity and decay appears.

  16. The people forget his simplicity and kindliness and remembered only that he had connived with thieves and sheltered scoundrels.

  17. Gifted with a marvelous spontaneous melody, mozart ' s music, even in his strictest contrapuntal compositions, possesses a simplicity and na ? ve grace which charms all hearers

  18. Dark matter may seem exotic, but cosmologists regard it as the essence of simplicity

  19. The 8080, 6800, z-80, and 8085 systems were presented to illustrate the simplicity of cpu assembly.

  20. But i am afraid that, as the serpent deceived eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to christ

    林后11 : 3我只怕你們的心或偏於邪、失去那向基督所存純一清潔的心、就像蛇用詭詐誘惑了夏娃一樣。