thabo 中文意思是什麼

thabo 解釋
  1. Thabo mbeki : decisive action will have to be taken to eradicate lawlessness, drug trafficking, gun running, crime and especially the abuse of women and children

    姆貝基: 「我們會開展強制行動以清除那些非法活動,毒品貿易,槍支販賣,謀殺尤其是對婦女和兒童的虐待。 」
  2. Avout 7 million people, including current president thabo mbeki and former president nelson mandela, speak xhosa

  3. Thabo mbeki : none of the great social problems we have to solve is capable of resolution outside the context of the creation of jobs and the alleviation and eradication of poverty

    姆貝基: 「在諸多社會問題中沒有比解決、緩解和消除貧困更大更重要的社會問題了,而解決此問題的辦法無外乎創造出更多的工作崗位。 」
  4. Thabo mbeki : government commits itself to intensify the campaign against hiv and aids and to improve its implementation of all elements of the comprehensive approach such as prevention, home - based care and treatment

    姆貝基: 「政府聲明要加大力度投入到抗擊人體免疫缺損病毒和艾滋病的這場戰斗中以及改進在執行解決方法時所涉及到的方方面面,例如防護、家庭基礎預防和治療。 」
  5. The main blot on this worthy record is president thabo mbeki ' s continuing failure, born of a misguided sense of racial and comradely solidarity, to use his authority to help remove the despotic robert mugabe from power in neighbouring zimbabwe

  6. President thabo mbeki ' s cabinet had long resisted calls for free drug treatment for infected people, but in august it ordered officials to draw up a national treatment plan

  7. During his annual state - of - the - nation speech earlier this month, president thabo mbeki acknowledged that many south africans feel glum

  8. Critics worry that the increasingly insulated position of thabo mbeki, south africa ' s president, and lack of effective opposition has led to policy mistakes

  9. Although the president, thabo mbeki, still finds it hard for some reason to say that hiv alone causes aids, the sting has been drawn from attacks on his leadership by activists and others
