udb 中文意思是什麼

udb 解釋
  1. Despite marketing hoopla and fud fear, uncertainty, and doubt, db2 udb and ibm middleware for that matter remain more competitively priced than ever in today s marketplace

    雖然有市場上的極度興奮和fud (恐懼、不確定和懷疑) , db2 udb (以及相關ibm中間件)仍保持比當今市場更具競爭性的計價。
  2. With kylix 3, you can build both server and desktop applications that work with db2 udb data

    利用kylix 3 ,您可以構建使用db2 udb數據的服務器應用程序和臺式機應用程序。
  3. With kylix 3, you can build server as well as desktop applications that work with db2 udb data

    利用kylix 3 ,您可以構建使用db2 udb數據的服務器應用程序和臺式機應用程序。
  4. By jim melton. serge rielau is a senior software developer, working on db2 udb sql compiler development at the ibm toronto lab

    Serge rielau是一名資深軟體開發人員,在ibm多倫多實驗室里負責db2 udb sql編譯器的開發。
  5. The db2 udb database is the workhorse behind any web application or service built with coldfusion

    Db2 udb數據庫是任何使用coldfusion構建的web應用程序的基礎。
  6. Db2 udb user and group account naming rules

    Db2 udb用戶和組帳戶命名規則
  7. Next we ll look at the db2 udb architechture and structures

    接下來我們將看到db2 udb體系結構和結構。
  8. Db2 udb has a very easy - to - use installation program

    Db2 udb有一個非常容易使用的安裝程序。
  9. This will update the ecospace inside the db2 udb eco2 database, as required

    這將根據需要更新db2 udb eco2數據庫中的ecospace 。
  10. Liam finnie works as a staff software developer in the db2 udb operating system services department, where he helps develop and maintain an abstract layer of operating system apis

    Liam finnie在db2 udb operating system services部門擔任專職軟體開發人員,幫助開發和維護操作系統api的抽象層。
  11. These failures are handled much the same way in db2 udb and oracle, by restoring either offline or online backups and using roll forward operations to recover the logs

    在db2 udb和oracle中,這些失敗的處理方式大致是一樣的,都是通過脫機或聯機備份並使用前滾操作恢復日誌來完成的。
  12. When a user drops a table in db2 udb, you can either do a database level point - in - time recovery, rolling forward to the point before the table is dropped ; or, better still, use a table space level roll forward operation

    當用戶刪除db2 udb中的表時,您可以執行數據庫級時間點恢復,前滾至刪除表之前的時間點;或者最好仍然使用表空間級的前滾操作。
  13. Care must be taken when granting authorities and privileges to a user or group, as db2 udb will let you grant those privileges to a non - existent account

    在向用戶或組授予權限和特權時必須小心,因為db2 udb允許將這些特權授予不存在的帳號。
  14. This article takes you through a specific example of how the author set up high availability as part of a proof - of - concept demonstration of db2 udb with high availability cluster multi - processing hacmp on ibm aix

    作為db2 udb概念驗證演示的組成部分,本文將介紹一個特定示例,說明作者如何利用ibm aix上的高可用性集群多處理( high availability cluster multi - processing , hacmp )來設置高可用性。
  15. Considering the above preconditions, aiming at tobacco daily business and requirements of data, this article presents the following : 1. to analyze business logic and data info a flow chart, based on software including ibm aix os, db2 udb according to the tobacco number one ’ s total design thoughtfulness 2. to analyze the factors affecting db2 database performance in detail in allusion to the characteristic of tobacco industry including large data, lots of users, data updating rapidly, and frequent visits ; 3

    基於以上前提,本文針對煙草企業日常業務和數據量的需求作了以下工作:從國家煙草專賣局煙草一號工程總體設計思路出發,分析工業企業的業務邏輯以及數據信息流圖,涉及的相關平臺,包括ibmaix操作系統、 db2udb通用數據庫系統。針對煙草行業數據量、用戶量龐大,數據更新迅速、用戶訪問頻繁的特點,詳細分析了影響db2數據庫性能的因素。
  16. When you develop a security plug - in, you will need to implement the standard authentication functions that db2 udb invokes

    在開發安全插件時,需要實現db2 udb調用的標準身份驗證函數。
  17. When you develop a db2 udb security plug - in, you will need to implement the standard authentication functions that db2 will invoke

    在開發db2 udb安全插件時,需要實現db2 udb將會調用的標準身份驗證函數:
  18. Instance level authority levels sysadm, sysctrl, sysmaint, and sysmon and group membership are defined outside of db2 udb, and are therefore not reflected in system catalog tables

    實例級權限級別( sysadm 、 sysctrl 、 sysmaint和sysmon )和組成員關系是在db2 udb之外定義的,因此不會反映在系統編目表中。
  19. Figure 11, the final figure, shows the dbwebgrid component, connected to the employee table from the db2 udb sample database, complete with the navigator that you can use to browse through the grid, edit records, apply the updates to the server, delete records, etc

    最後的圖11展示了從db2 udb sample數據庫連接到employee表的dbwebgrid組件,您可以使用配備的導航器( navigator )來瀏覽網格( grid ) 、編輯記錄、對服務器應用更新、刪除記錄,等等。
  20. Db2 udb ese with dpf is ideal to manage olap, data warehousing, and data mining workloads

    具有dpf功能的db2 udb ese是管理olap 、數據倉庫和數據挖掘工作負載的理想選擇。