uow 中文意思是什麼

uow 解釋
  1. Ms dtc uses the uow identifier to work with the distributed transaction

    Ms dtc使用uow標識符來處理分散式事務。
  2. Kill with statusonly generates a report only if the session id or uow is currently being rolled back because of a previous kill

    語句導致spid或uow當前正在回滾時, kill with statusonly才會生成報告。
  3. With statusonly statement is executed, or if no session id or uow is being rolled back, kill

    如果在執行kill with statusonly語句時spid或uow的回滾已經完成,或者沒有spid或uow正在回滾,則kill with statusonly將返回以下錯誤:
  4. If the specified session id or uow has a lot of work to undo, the kill statement may take some time to complete, particularly when it involves rolling back a long transaction
