xlm 中文意思是什麼

xlm 解釋
  1. When xlm macro sheets saved as text files are opened into excel 97, the macro warning may not appear

    當xlm巨集工作表儲存為文字檔,並在excel 97中開啟時,巨集警告對話方塊不會顯示。
  2. This vulnerability could allow malicious code stored within the xlm macro sheet to perform harmful acts, including deleting files

  3. When an xlm macro sheet is saved as a text file and the text file is then opened into excel, users may not receive the usual macro warning dialog box

  4. This update corrects the xlm macro security vulnerability by always displaying the macro warning dialog box when you open an xlm macro sheet, even if the xlm was saved as a text file

  5. Includes the xlm macro security update, the

  6. Microsoft has recently become aware of a potential excel xlm macro security vulnerability

    Microsoft近來了解到excel xlm巨集具有潛在的安全性弱點。