you and i my dear 中文意思是什麼

you and i my dear 解釋
  • you : pron 〈sing pl 〉1 〈人稱代詞第二人稱、主格及賓格;所有格 your, 所有格代詞 yours〉你,您;你們,...
  • and : n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常 pl. 〉附加細節。
  • i : pron (pl we ) 〈人稱代詞,第一人稱,單數,主格。 (poss adj my; obj me; poss pro mine ) 〉我。...
  • my : pron 1 〈I 的所有格〉我的。 my and her father 我和她倆人的父親。 my and her father(s) 我的父親...
  • dear : adj 1 親愛的,心愛的,可愛的,敬愛的。2 貴重的,寶貴的 (to)。3 昂貴的,高價的。4 熱切的。n 愛人...
  1. Oh, dear, my friend and i are travelling in kaifeng, but now we haven ' t find a suitable ciceroni, can you help us

    外國遊客1 :小朋友,我與我的朋友來開封旅遊,但是我沒有找到一個合適的導游,你們可以以幫我嗎?
  2. Your offer, however, smooths all difficulties, and i have only to ask you, my dear m. de morcerf " these words were accompanied by a most peculiar smile, " whether you undertake, upon my arrival in france, to open to me the doors of that fashionable world of which i know no more than a huron or a native of cochin - china ?

    這樣吧,我親愛的馬爾塞夫先生這幾個字是帶著一個極古怪的微笑說的,我一到法國,就由您負責為我打開那個時髦社會的大門,因為我對于那個地方,象對印第安人或印度支那人一樣知之甚少。 」
  3. " my dear fellow, " replied albert, with perfect ease of mind, " remember, for the future, napoleon s maxim, never awaken me but for bad news ; if you had let me sleep on, i should have finished my galop, and have been grateful to you all my life

    「親愛的, 」阿爾貝十分鎮定地答道, 「還記得拿破崙的那句格言嗎?除非報告壞消息,否則切勿吵醒我,要是你能讓我多睡一會兒,我就可以把我的極樂舞跳完了,那我就要對你終生感激不盡啦。
  4. " my dear count, " cried morcerf, " you are at fault - you, one of the most formidable logicians i know - and you must see it clearly proved that instead of being an egotist, you are a philanthropist

    「伯爵閣下, 」馬爾塞夫大聲說道, 「這回您錯了,您可是我所知道的最嚴謹的邏輯學家啊。您一定會清楚地看到,依據這個推理,您非但不是一個利己主義者,而且還是一個博愛主義者呢。
  5. If i were sole owner i would nominate you this moment, my dear dantes, and say it is settled.

  6. " if i were sole owner we d shake hands on it now, my dear dant s, and call it settled ; but i have a partner, and you know the italian proverb - chi ha compagno ha padrone - he who has a partner has a master

  7. Be so good as to see, my dear sir ; i have read your note, araktcheev interrupted, uttering only the first words civilly, again looking away from him, and relapsing more and more into a tone of grumbling contempt. is it new army regulations you propose

    「我親愛的,請注意,我看過您的稟奏了, 」阿拉克切耶夫打斷他的話,只是頭幾句話倒說得親切,他這次又不看他的面孔了,腔調兒顯得越來越不滿而且輕蔑, 「您提出新的軍事條令嗎?
  8. I wake and i find you asleep in the deep of my heart, dear

  9. I beg you most sincerely from all the family, my dear. these words, invariably accompanied by the same expression on his full, good - humoured, clean - shaven face, and the same warm pressure of the hand, and repeated short bows, he said to all without exception or variation

    我代表全家人誠摯地邀請您, machre 。 」他毫無例外地,一字不變地對一切人都說這番話,他那肥胖的愉快的常常颳得很光的臉上現出同樣的神態,他同樣地緊握來賓的手,頻頻地鞠躬致意。
  10. The daylight has nothing to show me, since you are not here, and i don t like to see the rooks and starlings in the fields, because i grieve and grieve to miss you who used to see them with me. i long for only one thing in heaven or earth or under the earth, to meet you, my own dear

  11. Yes, my dear, i am ill, and mine is the sort of illness which spares no one ; but the concern which you are generous enough still to show for me greatly eases my sufferings

  12. Yes, my dear friend, i have told you, and repeat it: i love you dearly.

  13. Till all the seas go dry, my dear, and the rocks melt with the sun ! o i will love you still, my dear, while the sands of life shall run

  14. " my dear madam, " he replied, " this invitation is particularly gratifying, because it is what i have been hoping to receive ; and you may be very certain that i shall avail myself of it as soon as possible.

    他回答道: 「親愛的太太,承蒙邀約,不勝感激,我也正希望能領受這份盛意請你放心,我一有空就來看你們。 」
  15. " my dear m. debray, " said the banker, " do not kill yourself to - night listening to the follies of madame danglars, for you can hear them as well to - morrow ; but i claim to - night and will devote it, if you will allow me, to talk over some serious matters with my wife.

    「我親愛的德布雷, 」銀行家說, 「別自討苦吃了,通夜不睡去聽騰格拉爾夫人的那些傻話,您明天白天不是照樣可以聽到的嗎,今天晚上,假如您允許的話,我要和我妻子討論一點兒正事。 」
  16. I tell you for the tenth time that if the letter to the emperor and the will in pierres favour are among the counts papers, you, my dear girl, and your sisters are not heiresses

  17. You will not, i hope, consider me as shewing any disrespect to your family, my dear madam, by thus withdrawing my pretensions to your daughter s favour, without having paid yourself and mr. bennet the compliment of requesting you to interpose your authority in my behalf

  18. Even when golden hair, like her own, lay in a halo on a pillow round the worn face of a little boy, and he said, with a radiant smile, dear papa and mamma, i am very sorry to leave you both, and to leave my pretty sister ; but i am called, and i must go

    那時跟她相同的金發耷拉在枕上,像神靈的光圈一樣圍繞著一個小男孩憔悴的臉。那孩于燦爛地微笑著說, 「親愛的爸爸媽媽,我很難過,因為我要離開你們了,要離開美麗的姐姐了。但我得到了召喚,我必須去! 」
  19. I am glad i have been able to do you any service, my dear anna mihalovna, said prince vassily, pulling his lace frill straight, and in voice and manner manifesting here in moscow, before anna mihalovna, who was under obligation to him, an even greater sense of his own dignity than in petersburg at anna pavlovnas

  20. " i tell you what, my dear fellow, " said chateau - renaud, " i cannot imagine what objection you can possibly have to mademoiselle danglars - that is, setting aside her want of ancestry and somewhat inferior rank, which by the way i don t think you care very much about

    「我告訴你,親愛的, 」夏多勒諾說, 「我想象不出騰格拉爾小姐有什麼使你不滿意的地方。就是說,暫且不管她的門第,在那方面她自然低了一點,但我想你也不見得會十分計較的。倒是我覺得她是一個非常漂亮的姑娘。 」