zuoquan 中文意思是什麼

zuoquan 解釋
  1. Hongyan mountain, the highest peak in the middle part of taihang mountain, is located at zuoquan county, the southeast part of shanxi province. it ' s altitude is 2089m : its hypsography slopes from northwest to southeast, the former being lower than the later

    太行山中段主峰紅巖嶺位於山西省晉中地區東南部,左權縣境內,海拔2089m ,地勢由西北斜向東南,東南部山嶺高聳,西北部較為平坦,大部地區海拔在1200m以上。
  2. Gujing pill plus zuoquan pill for child bedwetting

  3. Took zuoquan county as an example, the division of agricultural economic type was analysized according to the eight indexes of the whole county by the method of fuzzy clustering analysis
