
中文拼音 [yín]
Ⅰ動詞1. (吟詠) chant; recite 2. (呻吟) groan; moan Ⅱ名詞1. (古典詩歌的一種名稱) song (as a type of classical poetry): 《秦婦吟》 song of a qin lady2. (一些動物的叫聲) the cry of certain animals 3. (姓氏) a surname
  1. Was he like that unceasing moan of the adjutant

  2. The military responses we made were much agonized over.

  3. The animation faded out of her face; and during many moments she was lost in thought and silence.

  4. In some years, april bursts upon our virginia hills in one prodigious leap - and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plums

  5. I balled myself into a knot and moaned.

  6. The instrument sobbed and groaned and croaked as the old fellow polished on it with barbarous bow.

  7. Bards can now gain the blade master discipline

  8. Bardic knowledge : add the bard ' s class level + intelligence modifier to all bardic knowledge checks, as normal

  9. Lingering song : ( complete adventurer ) this increases the duration of several bardic music effects, notably inspire courage

    繞梁餘音(出自完美冒險者) :這個專長可以增加多種游詩人音樂的持續時間,特別是激發勇氣。
  10. Have you ever seat in an infinity of wasteland alone, a “ the spirit of the laws ” in hands, facing the beauteous setting sun, reciting or musing every now and then

    你有否曾獨自一人,坐在一個廣袤無垠的荒原,手拿著一本《論法的精神》 ,面對著美麗的落日,時而默默誦,時而掩卷沉思?
  11. Healthy too chanting, regular hours, then brew liqueurs. benedictine. green chartreuse

  12. He sometimes spoke blank verse under his breath to imaginary dark women.

  13. Prince andrey began telling him the story of bluebeard, but he sank into dreamy meditation before he had finished the story

  14. He was certainly not alone, for nana perceived the little woman from the bouffes with the untidy tow hair and the gimlet - hole eyes, standing enjoying herself in her shift among the furniture she had paid for

  15. Using scripts based on the works, the storytelling was accompanied by music from an erhu a traditional chinese bowed instrument with two strings. through host and storyteller mr. lai jun - rong, the various stages of master s life were unveiled to the audience as selections from wu tzu poems

  16. And it ' s got love songs, and fast road music, and guitar solos, and piano solos, and me singing high falsetto sometimes, and low and breathy other times

  17. A sorcerer might twist his beard when lost in thought ; a caliban might collect " trophies " from slain foes ; a bard might practice every night to hone her musical skills

  18. He bore the burden to calvary, and suffered and died alone

  19. Hurrah ! was shouted again by the three hundred voices of the guests, and instead of music this time a chorus of singers began to sing a cantata composed by pavel ivanovitch kutuzov

    三百位客人又在高呼「烏拉! 」 ,這時可以聽見的不是音樂,而是歌手們唱的由帕維爾伊萬諾維奇庫圖佐夫撰寫的大合唱。
  20. She chanted hymns and prayers with the voice of a cantor.
