
中文拼音 [xiào]
Ⅰ動詞1. (打口哨) whistle2. (拉長聲音叫) howl; roar Ⅱ名詞(野獸的叫聲) howl; roar
  1. In this self - complacent conviction she departed ; and the success of her fulfilled resolution was obvious on the morrow : mr linton had not only abjured his peevishness though his spirits seemed still subdued by catherine s exuberance of vivacity, but he ventured no objection to her taking isabella with her to wuthering heights in the afternoon ; and she rewarded him with such a summer of sweetness and affection in return, as made the house a paradise for several days ; both master and servants profiting from the perpetual sunshine

  2. Screech draws a lot of aggro

  3. The autumn wind piped through empty aisles.

  4. April 1, 1946, the aleutian islands to the waters of the tsunami, waves 35 meters

  5. The hooligans broke up amidst loud shouts and screams.

  6. Most of the animal kingdoms were not destroyed in the tsunami that hit asia

  7. An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning, having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment

  8. In people ' s eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge ; in the bellow and the uproar ; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses, vans, sandwich men shuttling and swinging ; brass bands ; barrel organs ; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of some airplane overhead was what she loved ; life ; london ; this moment of june

  9. 1942 tidal waves in bengal, india, killing some 10 000 people

    印度孟加拉邦發生海, 1萬人死亡。
  10. The sound of the rumble and crash of falling walls and ceilings ; the roar and hiss of the flames, and the excited shouts of the crowd ; the sight of the hovering clouds of smokehere folding over into black masses, there drawing out and lighted up by gleaming sparks ; and the flameshere like a thick red sheaf, and there creeping like golden fish - scales over the walls ; the sense of the heat and smoke and rapidity of movement, all produced on pierre the usual stimulating effect of a conflagration

  11. Tsunamis are concomitant with off shore earthquakes

  12. Many critics of eamily bronte ' s novel wuthering heights see its second part as a counterpoint

    許多艾米麗?勃朗特的小說《呼山莊》的評論家把小說的第二部分看作一種對比(對照物) 。
  13. She heard the wind and the cries of coyotes.

  14. The wind whistled through the crevices in the rock.

  15. It includes kitchen and parlour, generally ; but i believe at wuthering heights the kitchen is forced to retreat altogether into another quarter : at least i distinguished a chatter of tongues, and a clatter of culinary utensils, deep within ; and i observed no signs of roasting, boiling, or baking, about the huge fireplace ; nor any glitter of copper saucepans and tin cullenders on the walls

  16. The fuyang aids village was cold with goose feather snow and darksome sky, wind was blowing tearing the roof top of houses and trees

  17. As many as 500 containers, equivalent to a quarter of all aid shipped to sri lanka after the boxing day tragedy, are on the dockside in colombo

  18. But now i only hear its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, retreating, to the breath of the night - wind, down the vast edges drear and naked shingles of the world

  19. At the same instant a flash of flame dazed his eyes, and a roar, a hiss, and a crash set his ears ringing

  20. First came the impact, which sent a rain of molten rock into the air and formed an " ejecta " layer for hundreds of miles around

    首先是沖擊,使熔融巖石沖進空中並且在數百英里周圍形成一個噴出物的層,然後變成海,勞頓說: "海浪沖向熔融巖石並且把它帶回到深水" 。