
中文拼音 [xiū]
動詞[書面語] (庇蔭; 保護) extend protection
  1. There are patterns of bats homophone of blessing and happiness in mandarin, cranes symbolize longevity in chinese culture and clouds on these columns. the couplet read " blessed the city when there is no wind and the river lays unruffled ; nourished the soldiers and civilians by the might of god and the rich resources from the river " was written by the famous general wang, de - u of cing dynasty

    ,柱上刻有蝙蝠(取諧音福) 、鶴(取其長壽)及祥雲圍繞,上面還刻有道光十六年丙申(西元一八三六年)水師提督王得祿敬撰的楹聯浪靜風平水陸均沾福澤,威靈赫渥軍民盡感慈
  2. Section 104 authorizes the president to provide for " removal " and " remedial " actions consistent with the national contingency plan ( ncp ) referred to in section 105

    第104條授權總統可采?扒啤被蛘呤恰安咕取斃卸? ?搿度? ? ?奔蘋?肥且恢碌模?庖患蘋?氳? 05條有關。
  3. Being proficient in professional study with clear thinking

  4. Mr. he zuoxiu

  5. The upcoming era of solar energy, by mr. he zuoxiu, member of china academy of science, theoretical physics expert

  6. Proceedings of 2003 national seminar on strategy for the development of economic forest industry zeng y r, huang m r, wang m x. snp a new molecular marker

  7. Pu songling ' s works of the three kingdoms subject

  8. Petroleum products. determination of hydrocarbon groups in petroleum plasticizers used in the rubber industry. clay - silica gel adsorption chromatographic method

  9. It ' s a chore he probably never thought he ' d be doing this season. and who could blame him for being taken by surprise ? this hurdle he ' s up against made history

  10. The thesis discusses the reflection of the place of contemporary peasants stratum in the big media with the following conclusion : the media should give regard to peasants stratum, and in the social stratums the social class of peasants tends to decline
