
中文拼音 [yáo]
名詞1. (徭役) corvée; conscript labour2. (姓氏) a surname
  1. Primitive labor, enslaval labor, forced labor, employed labor and self - determinative labor are the different forms of labor at different stages of the society

  2. Huang lao ' s " wuwei " political thought, the guiding thought of governing gained remarkable results in re - establishment of social economy in the early period of western han dynasty

  3. It covers all aspects of the society of the zhou dynasty, such as work and love, war and corvee, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, sacrifices and feasts, astronomical phenomena and landforms, animals and plants

  4. In about 1500 ( the middle period of ming dynasty ), the system of paying tribute and corvee was collapsed, the tenant ' s managing right was extended and the commercial capital seeped into agriculture. under the circumstances, the local commodity economy was fully - developed, and the long distance trade between mountainous areas and forelands occurred. but both the domestic and overseas markets were limited, and so was the development of commodity economy in min - chao area, because the sea route was not straightway in the middle period of ming dynasty

    1500年前後(明代中葉) ,在貢制崩潰、佃農經營權擴大、商業資本進入農業的背景下,當地的商品經濟已有相當的發展,山區與沿海的長距離貿易發生,但因海路不通,國內市場與海外市場有限,明中葉閩潮商品經濟的發展也是有限度的。