
中文拼音 [tǎng]
動詞(往下流) drip; flow down; shed; trickle
  1. Baldly as he had stated it, in his eyes was a rich vision of that hot, starry night at salina cruz, the white strip of beach, the lights of the sugar steamers in the harbor, the voices of the drunken sailors in the distance, the jostling stevedores, the flaming passion in the mexican s face, the glint of the beast - eyes in the starlight, the sting of the steel in his neck, and the rush of blood, the crowd and the cries, the two bodies, his and the mexican s, locked together, rolling over and over and tearing up the sand, and from away off somewhere the mellow tinkling of a guitar

  2. Private carr behind his back. he aint half balmy

  3. The raging stream bickered down the valley.

  4. I fall upon the thorns of life, i bleed.

  5. The bleeding may keep my left hand from cramping.

  6. My heart goes out in sympathy and love to the bleeding heart of her dear mother and father.

  7. Reckon he ' s got some brazilian blood in him

  8. I reckon he ' s got some brazilian blood in him

  9. From the towering big thunder mountain to the majestic flow of the rivers of america, encounters await with cowboys, cancan dancers, gold miners and other denizens of the old west

  10. The candle was guttering in the candlestick

  11. In this steady rain, the spring of the mountain were broken up, every glen gushed water like a cistern.

  12. I waded into the warm bay water and clambered into the place.

  13. On the slow weedy waterway he had floated on his raft coastward over ireland drawn by a haulage rope past beds of reeds, over slime, mud - choked bottles, carrion dogs. athlone, mullingar, moyvalley, i could make a walking tour to see milly by the canal

  14. In the coffee room, elegance mixed with romance, music playing upon my heart, time had stopped for a while

  15. I paddled over to the illinois shore, and drifted down most a half a mile doing it. i crept up the dead water under the bank, and hadn t no accidents and didn t see nobody

  16. Sweat suddenly drenched him from head to toe.

  17. The dogs are drooling over that new dog meat

  18. I must dip my hand again and again in the basin of blood and water, and wipe away the trickling gore. i must see the light of the unsnuffed candle wane on my employment ; the shadows darken on the wrought, antique tapestry round me, and grow black under the hangings of the vast old bed, and quiver strangely over the doors of a great cabinet opposite - whose front, divided into twelve panels, bore, in grim design, the heads of the twelve apostles, each enclosed in its separate panel as in a frame ; while above them at the top rose an ebon crucifix and a dying christ

  19. Effluent standards have superseded stream standards.

  20. Or is she an elfish spirit, who, as the legends of our childhood taught us, is forbidden to cross a running stream
