
中文拼音 [yān]
動詞[書面語]1. (埋沒) fall into oblivion; bury in oblivion2. (淤塞; 堵塞) clog up; stop
  1. A real or virtual photon may spontaneously annihilate.

  2. Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles.

  3. Study on properties of blended pvc by positron annihilation

  4. Acd annihilation coincidence detection

  5. Pal positron annihilation life time

  6. Describing antiproton - nuclear scattering by using each annihilation potential is feasible

  7. It is rare that we study antiproton - nuclear inelastic scattering and elastic scattering by using phenomenological annihilation potentials

    ) n沒勢對反質子-核非彈性散射和彈性散射進行研究是少有的研究方法。
  8. Adopting the assummation that the quark interaction is the sum of the usual one - gluon direct exchange and the mixture of linear scalar and vector potentials, we structure the relativistic corrections of order v2 / c2to the cornell potential, including the annihilation potential for the quark and antiquark of the same favors which plays the same role with the one - gluon direct exchange at short distances. the effects of the relativistic corrections on the hyperfine splittings of quarkonium states are discussed, and a good fit to the available experimental data is obtained on heavy quarkonium mass spectra

    采納庫侖勢源於單膠子直接交換,而線性禁閉源於標量和矢量的混合,同時考慮在短程區域與單膠子直接交換起同樣作用的同味正反夸克的滅,構造了靜態夸克-反夸克勢到v ~ 2 c ~ 2級次的完全相對論修正,並擬合計算了重介子偶素的能譜,討論了相對論修正對重介子偶素能級分裂的作用。
  9. All these are antiquities.

  10. Yet, in the cacophony of popular culture, quiet statements are often ignored or drowned out

  11. He had settled to his safety and accepted perforce his extinction.

  12. Make a determined effort no longer then, try hard no longer ; lost the desire to do better then ; had a good news not to wish to tell others then, allow good thing, annihilation is in bottom of the heart, become permanent memory. . we look forward to the parent and teachers to be able to be praised to us, even if be of an a the word of a praise, encouraged eyes, sincerity, smile. . but they make us disappointed however, blow our joyance, in this colourful world, little a warmth

    於是不再發憤,不再努力;於是失去了上進心;於是有了喜訊不願告訴別人,讓美好的東西,沒在心底,成為永久的記憶… …我們一次次盼望家長與老師們能給我們表揚,哪怕是一句贊揚的話、一個鼓勵的眼神、一個真誠的微笑… …可他們卻一次次讓我們失望,一次次吹走我們的喜悅,在這個五彩繽紛的世界里,少了一份溫馨。
  13. In the framework of quarkonia - quarkonia mixing, considering the effect of the flavor - dependent transitions between quarkonia, the new mass relation of a meson nonet is presented

  14. It indicates that a correct mass relation of a meson nonet ( especially for the non ideal - mixing meson nonet ) should incorporate the effect of the flavor - dependent quarkonia annihilation

  15. The tide has obliterated the footprints on the sand

  16. With that route obliterated, tyre is isolated

    隨著這條路線的滅,提爾被孤立了。 。 。
  17. Many subject engaged the attention of the best mathematicians ultimately faded into oblivion.

  18. The anomalous fac pair creates a transient dusk - dawn electric field over the polar cap, tailing behind the original region current and drifting towards the night side until it falls into oblivion

  19. The as - grown crystals were characterization by cutting and directional, x - ray diffraction, high resolution ohmmeter, ir transmission spectroscopy, visible light absorption spectroscopy, scan electronic microscopy ( sem ) and positron annihilate time technique ( pat ). the ir transmittance of czt single crystals grown with cd - riched is about 53 %, while 23 % with no cd riched

    採用解理實驗、 x射線衍射、電學性能測試、紅外透過譜測試、可見光吸收譜測試、 sem蝕坑分析、探測器的試制等分析測試方法,並首次採用正電子沒壽命譜分析方法來研究czt單晶體的空位缺陷,綜合表徵了所生長的晶體的質量和性能。
  20. The research on synthesis of zirconolite and sphene using simulated radioactive incineration ashes
