
中文拼音 []
名詞1. [方言] (父親) father 2. [方言] (祖父) grandfather3. (對長一輩或年長男子的尊稱) uncle (a respectful form of address for an elderly man)4. (舊時對官僚、 財主等的稱呼) a form of address for an official or rich man 5. (對神的稱呼) god
  1. Mr. abel needed no more remonstrance or persuasion.

  2. "yours, sir, i'm sure, " replied mr. abel mildly.

  3. "it is true, sir, " returned mrs. sparsit, with an affectation of humility the very opposite of his, and therefore in no danger of jostling it.

  4. My lord, i have received my sentence of death from the almighty.

  5. Grandfather is in his anecdotage.

  6. It happened one day that antonio went with his grandfather to the count's great house.

  7. " my grandfather probably indirectly facilitated my arrival and work in this ountry. i was french, completely apolitical and my sole motivation was my love of children, " she explains

    瑪利娜說: 「我也許間接地讓我到這里來,並在這個國家工作。我是法國人,對政治毫無興趣,我唯一的動機是對孩子的愛。 」
  8. He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce ( the first thing that came under his gripe ) and dashed it full against the speaker ' s face and neck ; who instantly commenced a lament that brought isabella and catherine hurrying to the place

    他端起一碗燙蘋果醬(這是他抓起來的第一件東西) ,用力砸向說話人的臉上;隨即(林頓少)的哀嚎把伊莎貝拉和凱瑟琳引了過來。
  9. Jean, if monsieur pleases, replied the newcomer, jean passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because i have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another

    「我叫若望,假使老不反對的話, 」新來的僕人回答說, 「路路通是我的外號。憑這個名字,可以說明我天生就有精於辦事的能耐。
  10. There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness.

  11. Is your father attentive to you, master heathcliff ?

  12. Aw, christ. . you can ' t even pay for the damned kid

  13. Aw, christ. you can ' t even pay for the damned kid

  14. Those were oldworldish days, loyal times in joyous townlands, old times in the barony

  15. Father conmee, walking, thought of his little book old times in the barony and of the book that might be written about jesuit houses and of mary rochfort, daughter of lord molesworth, first countess of belvedere. a listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough ennel, mary, first countess of belvedere, listlessly walking in the evening, not startled when an otter plunged

    康米神父邊走邊思索著自己所著的那本小書爵領地的古老時代37以及另一本值得一寫的書,關于耶穌會修道院以及莫爾斯沃思勛爵之女第一代貝爾弗迪爾伯爵夫人瑪麗羅奇福特38 。
  16. What say you, good masters, to a squab pigeon pasty, some collops of venison, a saddle of veal, widgeon with crisp hog s bacon, a boar s head with pistachios, a bason of jolly custard, a medlar tansy and a flagon of old rhenish

    油酥面雛鴿餡餅,薄鹿肉片,小牛裡脊,配上酥脆熏豬肉的赤頸鬼,配上阿月渾子籽兒的公豬頭肉一盤令人賞心悅目的乳蛋糕,配上歐楂的艾菊,再來一壺陳萊茵白葡萄酒,不知老們意下如何? 」
  17. The bawd leave the gentleman alone, you cheat

  18. Master koo beheaded his wife and her lover and was pardoned.

  19. My grand-father was a big shot.

  20. Typical stephen chow black humour, it reminds me of hong kong cinema in its early days
