
中文拼音 []
動詞[書面語] (斜著眼睛看) look askance; squint
  1. Candy stole a look at lennie.

  2. He peered sideways up and gave a long low whistle of call, then paused awhile in rapt attention, his even white teeth glistening here and there with gold points

  3. Asked the hermit, glaring like a hungry wolf

  4. The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly.

  5. With one eye on him, she scribbled down what she must do after the women returned from their retreat.

  6. J. j. o molloy sent a weary sidelong glance cowards the statue and held his peace

  7. Mr. darcy was eyeing him with unrestrained wonder.

  8. But, when his nephew, leaning an elbow on the table, covered his eyes thoughtfully and dejectedly with his hand, the fine mask looked at him sideways with a stronger concentration of keenness, closeness, and dislike, than was comportable with its wearer s assumption of indifference

  9. Hester turned again towards pearl, with a crimson blush upon her cheek, a conscious glance aside at the clergyman, and then a heavy sigh ; while, even before she had time to speak, the blush yielded to a deadly pallor

  10. They look down upon men with haughtiness.

  11. " yes, " said monte cristo " i think m. danglars mentioned that in a visit which i paid him ; and, " continued he, casting a side - glance at lucien, who was turning over the leaves of an album, " mademoiselle eug

    「確實是這樣, 」基督山說道, 「我記得有一次拜訪他的時候,他曾跟我說起過。 」說到這里,他斜著瞟了呂西安一眼,見他正在翻看一本紀念冊。
  12. Meanwhile, the infant ruffian continued sucking ; and glowered at me defyingly, as he slavered into the jug

  13. In the same source he notes that the happy author is the one who, ignoring public opinion, "writes always to the unknown friend".

  14. In the same source he notes that the happy author is the one who, ignoring public opinion, " writes always to the unknown friend "

    他還寫道,無憂無慮的作家睥輿論, 「永遠為不相識的朋友寫作」 。
  15. Filled with undeniable spirit and bolstered by a soaring sumptuous voice that defies comparisons, jessica simpson is a young woman who can not be denied. " i know it sounds crazy, but i just love this record so much

    充滿著堅定的信仰,並以睥同儕的卓然歌聲加強了她的信心, jessica simpson是一位自信滿滿的年輕女性:我知道這聽起來有點瘋,但我真的很愛很愛這張專輯。
  16. Even if the ridiculous amount of artifact hate isn ' t enough to screw the ironworks. dec, it still means that it slows it down enough to make it very vulnerable to annul, last word and condescend and you can ' t really get around those in mid - game

  17. As she chattered and laughed and cast quick glances into the house and the yard, her eyes fell on a stranger, standing alone in the hall, staring at her in a cool impertinent way that brought her up sharply with a mingled feeling of feminine pleasure that she had attracted a man and an embarrassed sensation that her dress was too low in the bosom

    就在當她這樣談談笑笑、一面向屋裡和院子里睥窺探的時候,她的眼光落到了一個陌生人身上,此人獨自站在弄堂里,正在以一種冷漠的態度盯著她,她心裏頓時有兩種感覺混雜在一起:一種是女人的愉快感? ?因為她已經吸引住一個男人;另一種是尷尬感? ?因為她的衣服胸口開得太低。
  18. Maybe we can from his experience in the wind to see some end

  19. When he was made a prefect during the twins ' last year at hogwarts, they resumed their old habit of calling him by baby - talk nicknames, something they hadn ' t done since his first year

  20. Plants, but keeping a wary eye on mr. dimmesdale, " the disorder is a strange one ; not so much in itself, nor as outwardly manifested - in so far, at least, as the symptoms have been laid open to my

    「那我就坦率直陳吧, 」醫生說著,一邊仍然忙著擺弄他那些藥草,一邊始終不動聲色地視著丁梅斯代爾先生, 「你的身體失調很奇怪,癥候本身並不嚴重,也不象表現出來的那樣厲害到目前為止,至少我所觀察到的癥狀是如此。