
中文拼音 []
動詞1. (完結) settle ; complete 2. (截止) end
  1. If an addresser has received any confirmation of the addressee on the receiving, the data message shall be regarded as having been received

  2. All other postage paid symbols : imprints of postage stamps on postcards, aerogrammes and letter sheets, or postage impressions made by postage meters or printers or in any other manner approved by postal regulations

  3. Singular, communed the guest with himself, the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis possessed by them, that the puerperal dormitory and the dissecting theatre should be the seminaries of such frivolity, that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an art which most men anywise eminent have esteemed the noblest

    客人聞,暗自思量: 「彼等具有之神奇的輪回力實無與倫比,不同凡響。產院與解剖室均已變為輕佻話語之操練廳。然而一旦獲得學位,彼等輕浮蕩子搖身一變即成為被傑出人士譽為最高尚技藝之典範實踐者。
  4. Credit sales are recorded in a sales journal, and cash receipts in a cash receipts journal

  5. Please check off these parcels before they are despatched.

  6. He chewed my head off about the " threadsoul ", the " causal body, " " ablation, " the upanishads, plotinus, krishnamurti, " the karmic vestiture of the soul, " " the nirvanic consciousness, " all that flapdoodle which blows out of the east like a breath from the plague

    他嘮嘮叨叨地對我談「線魂」 、 「成因體」 、 「切除」 、奧義書、普洛提諾、里什那穆提、 「靈魂的業力受職儀式」 、 「涅磐的知覺」 ,全是從東方吹來的胡話,像瘟疫后散出的氣息。
  7. We have heard from mr. jones and have written to same.

  8. He put his ok on the shipment.

  9. X. p. expres paye extra message paid

  10. In the light of the development of perfective aspect markers, ji ( 既 ), yi ( 已 ), yi ( 矣 ), er ( 耳 ), jing ( 竟 ), qi ( 訖 ), de ( 得 ), que ( 卻 ), the thesis searches for their roots and sums up their characteristics

    在細致描寫的基礎上,結合完成體標記的發展情況對各個完成體標記成員「既」 、 「已」 、 「矣」 、 「耳」 、 「竟」 、 「」 、 「得」 、 「卻」等進行溯源及流的探討,可以歸納出各類標記體成員的特點。
  11. The informal working group saw hong kong possibly emerging as the first in the world to achieve dvp delivery versus payment, pvp payment versus payment and tvp transfer of title versus payment electronically and becoming the first virtual financial city

    銀兩delivery versus payment即時匯款同時交收payment versus payment以及即時付款同時轉移產權transfer of title versus payment ,並成為首個虛擬金融城市。
  12. How to browse future class schedules : place, time, length of course, students enrolled

  13. C d collected and delivered

  14. Similarly, it is recommended that the landlord requires the tenant to provide a written receipt or record in the agreement of the refund of the guarantee deposit

  15. It is recommended that the tenant requires the landlord to provide a written receipt or record in the agreement of every payment of rental or deposit to the landlord

  16. As i close the book, love and reverence possess me.

  17. As i closed the book, love and reverence possessed me.

  18. A receipted demand note will be issued within 14 days

  19. Production will be scheduled within 2 days after receiving l / c

  20. The invoice have the stamp " received with thanks " on it
