過去經驗 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [guòjīngyàn]
過去經驗 英文
past experience
  • : 過Ⅰ動詞[口語] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名詞(姓氏) a surname
  • : 去動詞1. (用在動詞后, 表示動作離開說話人所在地) 2. (用在動詞后, 表示動作的繼續等)
  • : 經動詞[紡織] (把紡好的紗或線梳整成經紗或經線) warp
  • : 動詞1. (察看; 查考) examine; check; test 2. (產生預期的效果) prove effective; produce the expected result
  • 過去 : 過去in [of] the past; formerly; previously
  • 經驗 : 1 (由實踐得來的知識或技能) experience 2 (經歷) go through; experience; 經驗教訓 lessons from ...
  1. Light had no previous experience of administration.

  2. Case - based reasoning is a memory - based method which utilizes old cases and experience to solve new problem, and it can be seen as analogism from a case to another case

    基於案例的推理( case ? basedreasoning )是一種基於記憶,利用的案例和來解決新問題的一種方法,它可以看作是從一個案例到另一個案例的類比推理。
  3. Arcuated built - up system bridges are one of bridge structural styles, which are used extensively at present. on one hand, because of complexity and diversity of this kind of structure, current engineering experiences have not satisfied design requirements no longer. on the other hand, towards this kind of structural system traditional methods simplify complicated structures into planar structures, these methods neglect apparently spatial action among members, especially those primary bearing load members along lateral direction of bridges

  4. What we have to offer is a digest of past experience.

  5. So i just feigned disinterest. as much as i hate to work during christmas, new year, birthdays. . . it was a very unforgettable experience in china

  6. “ too many us institutions really don ' t have staff sufficiently trained or experienced to catch alterations15, ” m. gough said

    高夫先生說: 「大多數美國大學確實沒有足夠訓練的或富有的人員發現這種篡改現象。 」
  7. The word " schema " first appeared in kant ' works at that time, kant attempt to combine the knowledge category with the perceptual object by scheme to find its great influence on knowledge acquisition, but his scheme was priori in the history of modern psychology, the gestalt school was the first one who payed attention to schema at the general theory level, and jean piaget also thought highly of schema, his theory was called schema theory, but this theory neglect the function of society and education, that is to say, in some degree his scheme theory has the incline of biologization

  8. Essentially these experiences have happened to him, although he had to make himself open to the experiences through entering into the initial black crow state, however, in order to progress he must begin to work upon his inner being

  9. What we need to do is to try to flesh out the system on the basis of experience gained

  10. He was himself the same, he knew that ; he knew that he was more experienced and skilful indeed now than he had been of old. the enemy even was the same as at austerlitz and friedland. but the irresistible wave of his hand seemed robbed of its might by magic

    軍隊依然是那個樣子,將軍依然是那個樣子,所做的準備部署, proclamation courte et nergique和拿破崙本人依然是那個樣子,這些他都知道,他還知道,他現在比過去經驗豐富得多,老練多了,而且敵人也依然同奧斯特利茨和弗里德蘭戰役時一樣但是,可怕的振臂一揮,打擊下來卻魔術般地軟弱無力。
  11. I used to move every year or so in order to get the widest experience

  12. It operates on the theory of action research guided by anchored instruction of constructivism

  13. Demonstrated past experience

  14. Developed intuition and a global perspective through international experiences

  15. Children ' s early knowledge about links between prior experience and the emotion of other persons

  16. There is empirical evidence to the effect that most security threats are posed from within organisations

  17. My past experiences reveal that every time i m one step toward my goal, something pulls me back and away

  18. He will make the tigers earn any runs they score, as evidenced by the fact that he ' s walked only two of the last 73 batters he ' s faced

  19. Other than that which is genetically coded, everything we know is derived from and reflects memory for our past experiences

  20. As an old heavy industry base and a very important commodity grain base of our country, heilongjiang province has contributed a great deal to the economic reconstruction and the process of our country ' s industrialization. the experience and enlightenment will lead us to the more prosperous future
