amortisation 中文意思是什麼

amortisation 解釋
  1. Amortisation is provided on leasehold land held under a lease with an unexpired term of less than 50 years from 1 april 1998

  2. Tax ustment for depreciation and amortisation expenditure

  3. Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets

  4. Excluding the goodwill amortisation for the acquisition of an associated company

    1 . 16港仙不含因收購聯營公司所產生之商譽攤消
  5. Each loan repayment shall be based upon equal amortisation ( principal and interest )

    每項償還借款都要基於分期付款(本金和利息) 。
  6. Where should depreciation, amortisation and hand - over costs be included in the financial proposal

  7. Amortisation : the practice of reducing the value of assets to reflect their reduced worth over time

  8. Amortisation can also refer to the reduction of debt, either through periodic payments of principal and interest, or through use of a sinking fund

  9. Most carry debt on the balance sheet of about two times earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation

  10. Depreciation, amortisation and hand - over costs should be clearly and separately stated in the financial assessments with detailed break - down provided for individual items

  11. After deducting the depreciation charges for the amortisation of the initial capital costs of the golf course, however, the golf course experienced an average book annual deficit of $ 9. 5 million in the past three years

  12. However, due to the overall decrease in prices for most of its products during the year, profit attributable to shareholders and basic earnings per share after goodwill amortisation of hk $ 3. 6 million stood at hk $ 338 million and hk70. 1 cents respectively

    0 % ;但由於期內受到產品普遍降價的影響,股東應占溢利及每股基本盈利在扣減360萬港元商譽攤銷價值後分別為3 . 38億港元及70