badwater 中文意思是什麼

badwater 解釋
  1. From an elevation of 1000 meters at the north end of the valley, the land slopes down steadily and for 70 miles the floor is below sea level, reaching a low point of - 86 meters at badwater, the lowest point in the western hemisphere and is considered to be one of the hottest places in the world during the summer season. every year between november and april, the weather is perhaps the most suitable for travelers

    是日參觀美國面積最大的火焰谷死谷國家公園,包括公園內景色瑰麗的拉培斯基山丘zabreski point ,與全美國最低點的壞水區bad water ,此處低於海平面282尺,雖是全球最熱地區之一,每年十一月至來年四月天氣清涼,為旅遊最佳季節。