borrowing terms 中文意思是什麼

borrowing terms 解釋
  • borrowing : n. 借,借用;借用的東西,借用的詞[譬喻等];模仿其他民族的風俗。
  • terms : 按貨幣計算
  1. In theory of bertalanffy and functionalist such as a. comte, h. spencer, e. durkeim, r. brown and malinowski, we can find the shades of the theory of organism and even borrowing of terms of biology

  2. By reviewing the popular use of the term " pk ", this paper studied its origin from the perspective of linguistics and social linguistics, ie., the borrowing of loan words and the generalization of professional terms as well as the value of social culture behind this phenomenon

    摘要透過" pk "的流行風,從語言學、社會語言學角度探究其來龍去脈,即外來語的借用和專業術語的泛化,以及這種現象背後隱含的社會文化價值。
  3. Both no doubt judged that the return on investment, in terms of increased fees, outweighed the extra borrowing costs

  4. With positive consumer credit data sharing, the banks would be in a position to introduce differential pricing on the basis of credit quality. as a consequence, those with good credit, who are in the majority, will benefit, possibly through more favourable terms for borrowing and for the use of banking services
