caffrey 中文意思是什麼

caffrey 解釋
  1. Cissy caffrey her voice soaring higher

  2. It s fireworks, cissy caffrey said

  3. Cissy caffrey more luck to me

  4. Cissy caffrey s voice, still young, sings shrill from a lane

  5. Now, baby, cissy caffrey said. say out big, big. i want a drink of water

    "喏,小娃娃, "西茜卡弗里說, "大大聲說吧:我要喝口水。
  6. None of your spoilt beauties, flora macflimsy sort, was cissy caffrey. a truerhearted lass never drew the breath of life, always with a laugh in her gipsylike eyes and a frolicsome word on her cherryripe red lips, a girl lovable in the extreme

    她是位世上罕見的心地純正的少女:一雙吉卜賽人式的眼睛總是笑吟吟的,熟櫻桃般的紅唇5 ,隨口說著逗人的話,真是再可愛不過了。
  7. Canon o hanlon put the blessed sacrament back into the tabernacle and the choir sang laudate dominum omnes gentes and then he locked the tabernacle door because the benediction was over and father conroy handed him his hat to put on and crosscat edy asked wasn t she coming but jacky caffrey called out

    接著,唱詩班唱起:列國啊,你們要頌贊上主71 !然後,他鎖上聖,因為降福儀式已結束。康羅伊神父遞給他帽子讓他戴上。
  8. Cissy caffrey cuddled the wee chap for she was awfully fond of children, so patient with little sufferers and tommy caffrey could never be got to take his castor oil unless it was cissy caffrey that held his nose and promised him the scatty heel of the loaf of brown bread with golden syrup on

  9. O, he was a man already was little tommy caffrey since he was out of pinnies

  10. Many a time and oft were they wont to come there to that favourite nook to have a cosy chat beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, cissy caffrey and edy boardman with the baby in the pushcar and tommy and jacky caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match and the name h. m. s

    西茜卡弗里和伊迪博德曼將娃娃放在嬰兒車里,還帶著兩個鬈發的小男孩湯米和傑基卡弗里。他們身穿水手服,頭戴水手帽,衣帽上均印染著" h . m . s . 3美島號"字樣。
  11. From the top spur he slides down. jacky caffrey clasps to climb

  12. Tommy caffrey scrambles to a gaslamp and, clasping, climbs in spasms

  13. Tommy caffrey scrambles to a gaslamp and, clasping, climbs in spasms. from the top spur he slides down

  14. Edy told him no, no and to he off now with him and she told cissy caffrey not to give in to him

  15. Edy boardman asked tommy caffrey was he done and he said yes, so then she buttoned up his little knickerbockers for him and told him to run off and play with jacky and to be good now and not to fight

    伊迪博德曼問湯米卡弗里"好了嗎" ,他說"好啦" 。於是,她就替他扣上小小短褲的鈕扣,叫他跑去跟傑基玩耍:要乖乖的,可別打架。
  16. She ran with long gandery strides it was a wonder she didn t rip up her skirt at the side that was too tight on her because there was a lot of the tomboy about cissy caffrey and she was a forward piece whenever she thought she had a good opportunity to show off and just because she was a good runner she ran like that so that he could see all the end of her petticoat running and her skinny shanks up as far as possible

  17. For tommy and jacky caffrey were twins, scarce four years old and very noisy and spoiled twins sometimes but for all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them

  18. But cissy caffrey told baby boardman to look up, look up high at her finger and she snatched the ball quickly and threw it along the sand and tommy after it in full career, having won the day

  19. Cissy caffrey bent over him to tease his fat little plucks and the dainty dimple in his chin

  20. Besides there was absolution so long as you didn t do the other thing before being married and there ought to be women priests that would understand without your telling out and cissy caffrey too sometimes had that dreamy kind of dreamy look in her eyes so that she too, my dear, and winny rippingham so mad about actors photographs and besides it was on account of that other thing coming on the way it did
