coldly 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['kəuldli]
coldly 解釋
  1. Coldly, deliberately, she averted her head.

  2. His silly jokes, chestnuts of great antiquity, made bertha sweat coldly.

  3. Some dull, grey ashes, left, long days ago, coldly chocked up the bars.

  4. Kindly desist from treating the disabled so coldly

  5. The majority of the brothers, seeing in this speech dangerous projects of illuminism, to pierres surprise received it coldly

  6. Mckinley and his adviser, mark hanna, responded coldly when platt first presented his plan.

  7. " you are completely mistaken, sir, " said monte cristo coldly, who felt the perfidious manoeuvre of the young man, and understood the bearing of his words ; " you only acquired my protection after the influence and fortune of your father had been ascertained ; for, after all, who procured for me, who had never seen either you or your illustrious father, the pleasure of your acquaintance ? - two of my good friends, lord wilmore and the abb

    「您完全弄錯了,閣下, 」基督山冷冷地說,他從青年的那種無賴態度上知道了他話里的意思, 「您是在我了解了令尊的權利和財產情況以後才獲得我的保護。我從來不曾見過您或您那顯赫的父親。歸根結蒂究竟是誰使我有幸認識你們的呢?
  8. "if you know, " he said coldly, "why do you plague me? "

  9. During this interval, even adele was seldom sent for to his presence, and all my acquaintance with him was confined to an occasional rencontre in the hall, on the stairs, or in the gallery, when he would sometimes pass me haughtily and coldly, just acknowledging my presence by a distant nod or a cool glance, and sometimes bow and smile with gentlemanlike affability

  10. You received me very coldly. oh, the royalists were very severe with the bonapartists in those days.

    您當時接待我的態度非常冷淡,啊,在那個年頭里,保皇黨人對拿破崙黨當時是非常嚴厲的。 」
  11. Asked hilda, rather coldly and sneeringly

  12. But if i were to go to them, and they only looked at me coldly, and whispered sneeringly amongst each other, and then dropped off and left me one by one, what then

  13. Then she stiffened under it and said coldly.

  14. Madame defarge looked, coldly as ever, at the suppliant, and said, turning to her friend the vengeance

  15. Her instincts were bolshevistic ! he gazed coldly and angrily at the door whence she had gone

  16. One and regained the original condition, this winter does not calculate coldly, but added the frost the cold current actually to freeze in the heart which waved, from very red chinese red in has printed out the humanities world, “ liberated from the thought ” becomes 2008 work standard of conduct

  17. Said another voice, coldly and sternly, proceeding from the crowd about the scaffold

  18. She powdered her nose, straightened her collar, and coldly marched down-stairs.

  19. Teachers should not treat their pupils coldly.

  20. It was wholly unlike the great brilliant mansions which waved her coldly away permitting her only awe and distant wonder.
