dereferencing 中文意思是什麼

dereferencing 解釋
  1. To free developers of dealing with the sorts of exceptions that occur as a result of programming errors or that the program could not be expected to catch dereferencing a null pointer, falling off the end of an array, dividing by zero, and so on, some exceptions are nominated as unchecked exceptions those that derive from

    對于因為編程錯誤而導致的異常,或者是不能期望程序捕獲的異常(解除引用一個空指針,數組越界,除零,等等) ,為了使開發人員免於處理這些異常,一些異常被命名為非檢查型異常(即那些繼承自
  2. Operator combines pointer dereferencing and member access

  3. A problem occurred when dereferencing the alias

  4. There are several ways to access reference contents, either by explicit dereferencing or with the " - " operator

    有多種方法來獲得引用所指向的內容,或者直接使用引用的名字、或者使用" - > "操作符。
  5. Though dereferencing a user - defined class loader seems like a way to ensure that the classes are garbage collected, this is not actually the case

  6. This compiler option which is not enabled by default activates code analysis that reports potential security issues such as buffer overrun, un - initialized memory, null pointer dereferencing, and memory leaks

  7. Structured exception handling offers a standardized way to clean up after really unexpected events, such as dereferencing an invalid user - mode pointer, or to avoid the system crash that normally ensues after such events
