disgorge 中文意思是什麼

disgorge 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 1. 吐,嘔吐出;吐出(臟物等)。
2. (江河等)流出。
The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered. 士兵被迫交出搶劫的珠寶。
trains disgorging thousands of passengers 有成千上萬旅客下車的火車。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 嘔吐。
2. (河流等)流注。

  1. The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered.

  2. London had already begun to disgorge its workers as he neared putney bridge; the ant-heap was on the move outwards.

  3. The robbers were forced to disgorge their plunder

  4. They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents

  5. She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone

  6. The lijiang river, which runs through the center of guilin, is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing. fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish. the cormorants, which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks, catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat

    「翡翠之路」江起於「山水甲天下」的桂林,止於「山水甲桂林」的陽朔, 40多公里水程風光薈萃,如入山水長卷的水中畫廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,縱觀壁立千仞的峰林,飽覽深澗險灘幽洞流泉飛瀑的美景,山景水景洞景石景,使人有左右顧盼目不暇接之感。
  7. The lijiang river, which runs through the center of guilin, is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing. fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish. the cormorants, which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks, catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen ( until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat )

    「翡翠之路」灕江起於「山水甲天下」的桂林,止於「山水甲桂林」的陽朔, 40多公里水程風光薈萃,如入山水長卷的水中畫廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,縱觀壁立千仞的峰林,飽覽深澗、險灘、幽洞、流泉、飛瀑的美景,山景、水景、洞景、石景,使人有左右顧盼、目不暇接之感。