feudal 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['fju:dl]
feudal 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 封建的;封建制度[時代]的。
2. 封地的,采邑的。
n. 名詞 -ist 1. 封建主義者。
2. 研究封建制度的學者。
adv. 動詞 副詞 -ly adj. 形容詞 世仇的;不和的,爭吵的。
n. 名詞 -ist 結下世仇的人。

  1. Do we know where to strike the balance between authority and freedom, between liberty and anarchy in feudal, religious societies ?

  2. Before a great window stood a large aquarium containing colored stones and a small replica of a feudal castle.

  3. On the nature of the chinese feudal autocracy - a political analysis in the sight of naturalism

  4. Equipped with such modern appliances as the bicycle, the telegraph, and the colt revolver, he comes to grips with a feudal never-never-land.

  5. The property record was known as domesday book because it seemed to the english not unlike the book of doom to be used by the greatest feudal lord of all on judgment day

    這本財產清冊之所以叫做《末日審判書》是因為對英國人來說這本土地清冊無疑就是最後審判日那天上帝所用的《末日書》 。
  6. As a result, they begin their elegiac literary creation in which they are seeking for the rent of the constancy and goodness of human nature rooted in the deep structure of chinese culture with feudal society as its social background

  7. In this text, i give priority to analyses the oral relation revolutionization experience, taste and memory of the northeast plant female, review the content and point of the female memorial, and the female survival condition and mental state impacts from china women liberation in the 20th century 1950s 。 at that date, female body and mind suffered from most tribulation of their life, but we find that the tribulation is covered with unprecedented liberation sense at interview 。 the reason is that china tradition confucianism enthralls female thoughts, and after new china come into, communist party ensure female sovereign status in legally past unit system form 。 such emancipation of woman is based on marxism proletariat revolution theory, and is impacted by the semi - feudal and semi - colony historical of china new modern times, and is ministrant with people class liberation and social practice

  8. In feudal land law, the commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord.

  9. He told him of the feudal state in which he lived.

  10. Feudal society was rigidly stratified.

  11. Feudal dues were not got rid of.

  12. It was a feudal method.

  13. In the old days, she used to be bullied in the feudal family.

  14. He still bore that mark of combat from feudal politics in days of the empire.

  15. This historical novel illustrates the breaking up of feudal society in microcosm.

  16. Feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics.

  17. The book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society, it does not go into it deeply.

  18. In the face of these radical challenges, the king maneuvered to avoid appearing backward or feudal.

  19. Qing dynasty is the last feudatories dynasty of our history, and it has perfect feudatories law system, and it is the interim from the feudatories law to the semi - colonial and semi - feudal law. since qing dynasty went through two different phases, it is a connecting link of the chinese civil law development of preceding and the following

  20. He defined the process of industrialism as essentially pacific in constrast to the militaristic spirit of feudal society.
