feudalistic 中文意思是什麼

feudalistic 解釋
adj. 形容詞 封建制度的,封建主義(者)的。

  1. This, however, produced in me a reverse reaction--determined me to fight against such feudalistic ideology.

  2. But given the strong legacy of feudalistic rule of man the implementing of rule of law would be a difficult process of transition

  3. Relatively scientific persons regard taboo as nonsense, claiming that it should be abolished due to its feudalistic and superstitious residue. on the contrary relatively ignorant persons still tend to have a blind faith in taboo ' s mysterious power

    而那些缺乏起碼文化素質的「文盲」或「科盲」 ,則覺得禁忌事象神秘莫測,難解其詳,進而成為跪拜於它的腳下的溫馴奴隸,受其左右,不敢越雷池一步。