forthcoming 中文意思是什麼

音標 [fɔ:θ'kʌmiŋ]
forthcoming 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 即將到來的,即將出現的。
2. 現有的,隨時可得的。
3. 願意幫助的,樂于供給消息的。
n. 名詞 來臨,臨近。

  1. The forthcoming election and its aftermath were to bring opportunities and excitements beyond all expectation.

  2. In reference to the practical changes in the deregulated markets of the advanced countries in the area of europe, america and asia and the countermeasures of the countries, combing with the problems encountered in the marketing and sales practice of the panzhihua brach of sinopec, the paper applies the swot analysis method, rationally analyzes the outside environment and inside conditions. according to the characterizes of gasoline resources, and the market situation after it transformed from the monopolistic style of planning economy to the monopolistic competition style, the paper also analyze the strengths and weakness of the industry brought by the forthcoming event of the permission of the wholesales market of gasoline. based on the above analysis, the paper posits the marketing strategic objectives and measures as follows : ensuring the management of suppliers, adding the retail and direct sales network, improving operating qualities, making the customer relationship management and realizing the multi - benefits of company and customers

  3. The current grading methods for maryland tobacco in china mostly applied mechanically the state grading standard for burley tobacco, which is relatively rough and unfavourable for showing the characteristics of maryland as well as industrial application and forthcoming development especially because of those definitions to some gradation factors

  4. Other proof of the plasticity of carrot was also forthcoming.

  5. The funds are not forthcoming.

  6. They talked about the school and a forthcoming swim meet.

  7. The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reductions.

  8. The outcome of our actions, on the contrary, is quite forthcoming.

  9. Officially, we dealt with each other correctly without being forthcoming.

  10. He discusses the forthcoming engagement with several other soldiers, particularly jim conklin.

  11. The basic physics needed for astronomy, which underpins some of the forthcoming material, is here.

  12. The basic physics needed for astronomy, which underpins some of the forthcoming material, is introduced here.

  13. To cut a long story short bloom, grasping the situation, was the first to rise to his feet so as not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being as good as his word that he would foot the bill for the occasion, taken the wise precaution to unobtrusively motion to mine host as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the others were not looking to the effect that the amount due was forthcoming, making a grand total of fourpence the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally the last of the mohicans he having previously spotted on the printed pricelist for all who ran to read opposite to him in unmistakable figures, coffee 2d.,

    布盧姆看明事態之後,生怕呆得太長,招人討厭,就頭一個站了起來。他信守了自己要為這次聚會掏腰包的諾言,趁沒人注意就機警地朝我們這位老闆作了個幾乎覺察不到的告別手勢,示意馬上就付鈔,總計四便士並且不引人注目地付了四枚銅幣,那誠然是「最後的莫希幹人」 265了。他事先瞧見了對面墻上的價目表上印得清清楚楚的數字,讓人一看就讀得出來266 :咖啡二便士,點心同上。
  14. Franck montagny has revealed that he will continue to race for super aguri in the forthcoming british, canadian and us grands prix

  15. Last month 30 stream of people that do, hematic ability is clean september 7, can come again yesterday, is this normal be forthcoming month classics

    上個月30號做的人流, 9月7號血才幹凈,可昨天又來了,這是正常嗎是來月經了嗎
  16. I did not break the habit of stealing and hoarding bread until my faith that food would be forthcoming at each meal had been somewhere established.

  17. There was no response forthcoming to the suggestion, however, such as it was, stephen s mind s eye being too busily engaged in repicturing his family hearth the last time he saw it, with his sister, dilly, sitting by the ingle, her hair hanging down, waiting for some weak trinidad shell cocoa that was in the sootcoated kettle to be done so that she and he could drink it with the oatmeal water for milk after the friday herrings they had eaten at two a penny, with an egg apiece for maggy, boody and katey, the cat meanwhile under the mangle devouring a mess of eggshells and charred fish heads and bones on a square of brown paper in accordance with the third precept of the church to fast and abstain on the days commanded, it being quarter tense or, if not, ember days or something like that

    披長發的迪麗坐在爐邊等候著巴滿煤煙的壺里那稀薄的特立尼達可可豆36煮沸,好和代替牛奶的燕麥水一道喝。那是星期五37 ,他們剛吃完一便士兩條的鯡魚,另外讓瑪吉布律和凱蒂每人都各吃了一個雞蛋。那天正趕上四季大齋或是什麼日子,根據教會在指定的日子守齋並節制的第三戒律,貓兒也正在軋液機底下吞食著一方塊褐色紙上的那簇蛋殼和魚頭魚骨。
  18. Forthcoming lunar eclipses from 2005 to 2010

  19. Stars shine - " forthcoming lunar eclipses from 2005 to 2010

  20. Teachers should keep abreast of the current pace and the application in clinical practice of medical genetics, so that the forthcoming physicians they have educated can adapt the era of molecular medicine
