ftc 中文意思是什麼

ftc 解釋
1. Federal Trade Commission 〈美國〉聯邦貿易委員會。
2. Flying Training Command 〈英國〉飛行訓練司令部。

  1. Ftc : federal trade commission

  2. Ftc federal trade commission

  3. How to use the fuzzy temperature control command, ftc

  4. Regulation of processing parameter on ftc spinning frames

  5. Ftc stops massive, deceptive telemarketer - huliq

  6. Ftc stops massive, deceptive telemarketer

  7. Ftc - 2000 china ' s new advanced trainer

  8. So the ftc based on the artificial intelligence developed

  9. If you were given our name as a reference, please report this to both the internet fraud complaint center, a partnership between the fbi and the national white collar crime center and the ftc

    如果有人以我們的名義行事,請向「網路欺詐投訴中心」 (聯邦調查局( fbi )與國家白領職員犯罪投訴中心合辦)或者「公平貿易委員會」 ( ftc )報告。
  10. Federal trade code ftc

  11. The second chapter is devoted to an theoretical analysis of u. s. ftc regime as an unity of opposition of avoiding international double taxation and maintaining u. s. fiscal jurisdiction

  12. The law provides these qualifications for ftc for the aim of maintaining u. s. fiscal jurisdiction, namely that ftc is just to be used to avoid international double taxation. however, this aim can not always be achieved

  13. The chapter considers that there are two classes of rules in u. s. ftc regime, rules granting rights and rules restricting rights, of which the former is intended to avoid international double taxation and the latter is to maintain u. s. fiscal jurisdiction

  14. Among the legal methods of avoiding international double taxation, foreign tax credit ( ftc ) has more advantages than the methods of exemption and deduction. for example, from the view of the state that credits foreign taxes, ftc maintains its fiscal jurisdiction as well as avoids international double taxation. accordingly, ftc has become the favorite method of nations

    美國聯邦所得稅法中的外國稅收抵免制度一方面為美國提供了消除國際雙重征稅的主要方法- -抵免法,另一方面在極力地維護美國的稅收管轄權,因此是避免國際雙重征稅和維護美國稅收管轄權的矛盾統一體。
  15. It is pointed out that whether u. s. exerts its fiscal jurisdiction based on the territorial or the personal principle, international double taxation is possible to be created because of the overlapping of u. s. and foreign fiscal jurisdiction ; that u. s. avoids international double taxation by signing bilaterally tax treaties and proscribing unilaterally internal tax rules ; that in the internal tax law u. s. adopts the methods of ftc, exemption and deduction, among which the ftc method is the most important

  16. The ideal state of the ftc regime is to unify the two factors of avoiding international double taxation and maintaining u. s. fiscal jurisdiction. however, by various reasons in reality the unification is impossible to be perfect and there are always conflicts between the two factors. the third chapter discusses qualifications of ftc in u. s. internal law

  17. When the federal trade commission ( ftc ) ruled that health warnings must appear on each pack, the industry consented

    當美國聯邦貿易委員會( ftc )裁定,健康警告必須出現在每一個包,業界同意。
  18. Section 5 of the ftc act provides more flexibility to challenge this kind of undesirable behavior

  19. The ftc also has available other publications that explain its numerous consumer protection activities

  20. In pursuing its work, the ftc can file cases in both federal court and a special administrative forum
