marryat 中文意思是什麼

marryat 解釋
  1. “ he would. . trust to time and opportunity for the gratification of his revenge ” ( frederick marryat )

    「他將…坐等時機來成全他的報復行動」 (弗瑞德?莫亞特) 。
  2. “ we perceived a little girl coming towards us ” ( frederick marryat )

    「我們辨認出一個小女孩朝我們走來」 (弗雷德里克?馬里亞特) 。
  3. “ the gale having rather increased than shown any symptoms of abating ” ( frederick marryat )

    「大風不但沒有顯示出任何變小的跡象,反而越刮越大」 (弗雷德里克?馬里亞特) 。
  4. " i knew there were smugglers, but i thought that since the capture of algiers, and the destruction of the regency, pirates existed only in the romances of cooper and captain marryat.

    「我知道確實有走私販子,但我想,自從阿爾及爾被攻克,攝政制度被摧毀以來,海盜只是庫柏和瑪里亞特上尉的傳奇小說中的人物了吧。 」