muggle 中文意思是什麼

muggle 解釋
麻瓜 巫師界對不會魔法的人類的通稱。

  1. Tonks is the daughter of sirius black ' s favorite cousin, andromeda, who married a muggle - born wizard, ted tonks

  2. Nagini tells me the old muggle caretaker.

    娜吉妮告訴我那麻瓜老看門人. .
  3. Five stops from highbury & islington takes you to green park station : on the other side of the eponymous park lies whitehall, the muggle seat of government

  4. If magic was recessive, then muggle - borns and half - bloods would pose no threat to the wizarding gene pool

  5. Add to that the exceptions of half - bloods, muggle - borns and squibs and the temptation to analyze its hereditability in terms of mendelian genetics becomes almost unbearable ( for some of us anyway )

    除此之外還有混血,麻瓜出身和啞炮,這更使運用孟德爾基因學理論分析遺傳的努力變得幾乎讓人無法忍受(至少對於我們中間的某些人來說) 。
  6. It will actually serve to reduce the number of magic alleles, as it discriminates against heterozygous and even homozygous people with a muggle grandparent

  7. See also the muggle encyclopedia entry for the wye river

  8. Consequently, the ministry of magic is probably near leicester square or charing cross stations, close to both the leaky cauldron and to the muggle government ministries

  9. However, if magic is a dominant trait, muggle heritage may indeed result in more squibs in the community after some generations of intermarriage

  10. The railview hotel is a gloomy - looking muggle establishment to which vernon dursley took his family while attempting to avoid harry ' s hogwarts letters ( ps3 )

    鐵路風景旅館是一家麻瓜開的、樣子陰暗的旅店,弗農?德思禮為了不讓哈利接到霍格沃茨的來信,曾經帶著全家人躲在那裡(魔法石第三章) 。
  11. Indeed, why bother with muggle transport at all when the leaky cauldron, which is on the floo network, is only a short distance from king ' s cross

  12. Employees of the floo network authority have the ability to monitor floo connections, and can eavesdrop on floo conversations in a manner analogous to wiretapping a muggle telephone

  13. It is against regulations for a muggle fireplace to be connected to the floo network ( gf4 ), probably due to the likelihood of violations of the international confederation of wizards ' statute of secrecy in the event of a connection becoming active

    將一個麻瓜的壁爐連進飛路網是一件非常不合常理的事(火焰杯第4章) ,大概是因為一旦這個連接起了作用很可能就會違背國際巫師保密法聯盟。
  14. Muggle given a simple explanation of ( for example ) the hogwarts express, the ban on apparating in hogwarts, the apparent inability to link to the floo network, and the apparent inability to fly in by broomstick from long distances away will be in considerable confusion

  15. A muggle given a simple explanation of ( for example ) the hogwarts express, the ban on apparating in hogwarts, the apparent inability to link to the floo network, and the apparent inability to fly in by broomstick from long distances away will be in considerable confusion

  16. It is possible to exchange muggle money for wizarding coins at gringotts

  17. It ' s like the ministry cars, the knight bus, and wizarding wireless, which also borrow their form from muggle technology but which are magical devices

  18. In the sixth year ( hbp6 ) they again use ministry cars which, as magical artifacts, need not obey the normal muggle laws of physics ( indeed, some of their behaviour seems to resemble that of the knight bus )

    在第六年中( hbp6 ) ,他們又一次使用魔法部的汽車,而車子作為魔法物品,不一定服從正常的麻瓜物理規律(的確,它們的一些行為似乎與騎士公共汽車相似) 。
  19. Godric ' s hollow is a muggle village1 where james and lily potter were hiding from voldemort in october of 1981

  20. And since we know what terrible consequences the quarrel had - - a basilisk was left in the chamber of secrets in order to kill as many muggle - borns as possible - - the saying could ' ve been put on the crest as a warning for future generations never to mess with someone so dangerous

    自從我們知道這場激烈的爭吵的結果? -一條蛇怪可能為了殺死麻瓜出生的巫師被留在了密室- - - -這個說法使這則諺語被寫在了校徽上以提醒後代們千萬不要去惹惱那些危險的人。