null value 中文意思是什麼

null value 解釋
  • null : adj 1 無效力的,無束縛力的。2 無效的,無用的,無益的;無價值的。3 沒特徵[個性]的,沒表情的。4 〈...
  • value : n 1 價值;重要性;益處。2 估價,評價。3 價格,所值;交換力。4 (郵票的)面值。5 等值;值得花的代...
  1. Parameter must contain a valid database name, and cannot contain a null value, an empty string, or a string with only blank characters

    參數必須包含有效的數據庫名稱,不能包含空值、空字元串( " )或只有空白字元的字元串。
  2. If you allow nulls for this clean type, you must put a null value in the bound column of the rules table

    如果允許該清理類型為空( null ) ,則必須在規則表的bound列中放入null值。
  3. Retain a null value during the bulk load operation

  4. Is not a numeric data type, this is a null value

  5. During expression evaluation when set arithabort is off, if an insert, delete or update statement encounters an arithmetic error, overflow, divide - by - zero, or a domain error, sql server inserts or updates a null value

    如果set arithabort為off ,並且在對表達式求值的過程中insert 、 delete或update語句遇到算術錯誤(溢出、被零除或域錯誤) , sql server將插入或更新一個null值。
  6. A null value in the system is an empty object that has no value

  7. A null value indicates that there is no value

  8. The null value in the system is an empty object that has no value

  9. A null value if the base catalog name cannot be determined

  10. If a column has a default value, pass a null value in the array to set the default value for that column

  11. The limit of detection is the lowest value of the quantity to be measured which the analytical method is capable of showing not to be a null value

  12. On linux and unix installations, this is not as big a concern, since a null value defaults to the primary group of the instance owner, which by default after an installation only contains the user id of the instance owner

    在linux和unix安裝中,這不是一個大問題,因為null值默認為實例所有者的基本組,而基本組在安裝后只包含實例所有者的用戶id 。
  13. On linux and unix installations, this is not as large a concern since a null value defaults to the primary group of the instance owner, which by default only contains the user id of the instance owner after an installation

    在linux和unix安裝上,這不是個大問題,因為null值默認表示實例擁有者的主組,而這個組在安裝之後默認情況下只包含實例擁有者的用戶id 。
  14. All comparisons to a null value evaluate to unknown

    與空值的所有比較的結果均為unknown 。
  15. True, all comparisons to a null value evaluate to unknown

    ,則所有與空值的比較求得的值均為unknown 。
  16. This means all comparisons against a null value evaluate to unknown

    這表示所有對空值的比較都取值為unknown 。
  17. When on is specified, all comparisons to a null value evaluate to unknown

    當指定為on時,所有與空值的比較運算計算結果為unknown 。
  18. When set ansi nulls is on, all comparisons against a null value evaluate to unknown

    當set ansi _ nulls為on時,所有對空值的比較均取值為unknown 。
  19. Specifies that the ansi nulls option setting for the table is on, meaning all comparisons against a null value evaluate to unknown

    指定表的ansi nulls選項設置為on ,表示所有與空值的比較都取值為unknown 。
  20. For database - level entities a one - part name is accepted, with a null value meaning " current database "

    對于數據庫級實體,只接受由一部分組成的名稱,空值表示「當前數據庫」 。