punch 中文意思是什麼

音標 [pʌntʃ]
punch 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 潘趣〈英國木偶戲 Punch and Judy 中的主角,背駝,鼻長而鉤, Judy 是他的妻子,時常和他吵架〉。
2. (英國1841年創刊的)《笨拙畫報》。
n. 名詞 1. 沖壓機,沖床,沖孔(機),穿孔(機)。
2. 列印器;剪票鋏;大鋼針。
3. (沖或打出的)孔[切口]。
vt. 及物動詞 (用壓穿器)穿孔,沖孔;(用列印器)列印;(用票鋏)剪票。
have one's ticket punched 剪了票。
punch in (out) 用記時鐘在考勤卡上列印上(下)班時間。
vt. 及物動詞 1. 用拳頭打,毆打;(用肘)推;(用棒)捅。
2. 〈美西部〉趕(家畜)。
vi. 不及物動詞 用拳猛擊;用力擊;用力按。
n. 名詞 1. 拳打,毆打。
2. 〈俚語〉(語言、小說等的)力量;效果;精力;魄力。
There was not much punch in his remarks. 他的話沒啥力量。
get a punch on the head 頭上挨一拳。
pull the punches 〈美俚〉故意不用力打,故意讓對手打勝。
n. 名詞 1. 〈英國〉(英國 Suffolk 地方產的)矮小肥胖的馱馬 (=Suffolk punch)。
2. 〈英方〉矮胖子;粗而短的東西。
n. 名詞 1. (果汁、香料、奶、茶、酒等攙和的)香甜混合飲料;多味果汁飲料。
2. 飲香甜混合飲料的聚會。
3. =punch bowl. 4. (東印度的)五人會議。

  1. He forgot the punch line of his after-dinner speech.

  2. The negotiators seemed punch-drunk after another all-night session.

  3. Scandinavian punch made of claret and aquavit with spices and raisins and orange peel and sugar

  4. Chek meets people in the bagger - group and is in love with ching seut sum, who is the daughter of one of the committee in the bagger - group. at the end, chek becomes the head of the bagger - group and learnt the martial art of kill - dragon - 18 - punch and the dog - beating - stick

  5. Skip, the bartender made the sour planters' punch with exaggerated, ironic care.

  6. Hereupon punch costello dinged with his fist upon the board and would sing a bawdy catch staboo stabella about a wench that was put in pod of a jolly swashbuckler in almany which he did now attack : the first three months she was not well, staboo, when here nurse quigley from the door angerly bid them hist ye should shame you nor was it not meet as she remembered them being her mind was to have all orderly against lord andrew came for because she was jealous that not gasteful turmoil might shorten the honour of her guard

    此時,潘趣科斯特洛砰然以拳擊桌,唱起淫狠小調斯塔布斯塔布拉,謂醉漢使阿爾馬尼58一少女有了身孕雲,並徑自吆喝道:頭三個月身上不舒服,斯塔布。護士奎格利遂從門口怒吼曰: 「不害臊嗎!
  7. Nc turret punch press machines, nc benders, shearing machine

    Nc六角鍛壓機, nc彎曲器,剪床
  8. High safety coefficient. installed with mandatory photoelectric safety device, which will not wrongly punch hand, and covered with casualty insurance ( within china market ), let you never with subsequent worry

    高安全系數.裝有光電強制保險裝置. ,不會發生誤沖傷手現象.而且投保意外險(中國市場內) .讓您永無后顧之憂
  9. Thereto punch costello roared out mainly etienne chanson but he loudly bid them lo, wisdom hath built herself a house, this vast majestic longstablished vault, the crystal palace of the creator all in applepie order, a penny for him who finds the pea

    彼大叫曰: 「看,智慧為自己蓋起一座殿堂,乃造物主之水晶宮95 ,寬敞巍峨永恆之蒼穹,井然有序,找到豌豆者即獎給一便士。
  10. Ready ? - punch it, chewy

    準備好了? -出發吧
  11. He bragged about his son-in-law's claret and burgandee, until his own utterance began to fail him, over his sixth tumbler of whisky-punch.

  12. The darius i remember always liked to throw the first punch

  13. A line of punch positions parallel to the y datum line of a punch card

  14. He decked him with his first punch.

  15. Another punch makes his ear ring.

  16. Lenehan and one from alba longa, one crotthers, and young stephen that had mien of a frere that was at head of the board and costello that men clepen punch costello all long of a mastery of him erewhile gested and of all them, reserved young stephen, he was the most drunken that demanded still of more mead and beside the meek sir leopold

  17. If full page is punch - drunk, be about to be sent afresh

  18. My caress provoked a long, guttural gnarl. you d better let the dog alone, growled mr heathcliff in unison, checking fiercer demonstrations with a punch of his foot

    「你最好別理這只狗, 」希刺克厲夫先生以同樣的音調咆哮著,跺一下腳來警告它。
  19. Medical instruments - conchotome and tonsil punch forceps type hartmann

    醫療器械. hartmann型鼻甲切口鉗和扁桃體打孔鉗
  20. Punch card tabulating machine invented by herman hollerith. wall street journal first published

    赫爾曼.霍爾瑞斯發明穿孔卡片製表機。 《華爾街日報》首次發行。