radford 中文意思是什麼

radford 解釋
  1. We can give different structures on a tensor product h q to make it a bialgebra or hopf algebra. in [ 1 ] radford constructed a hopf algebra a x h with the smash algebra structure and the smash coproduct coalgebra structure, and pointed out that if a bialgebra b has a hopf subalgebra h and a projection ! : b - - > h, then there must be a subalgebra a of b such that b @ a x h is a bialgebra isomorphism

    在張量積hq上可以給出不同的構造,使它成為雙代數或hopf代數, radford在文獻[ 1 ]中構造了以smash積為代數結構,余smash積為余代數結構的hopf代數a h ,並指出若b是雙代數, h是b的子hopf代數,且存在投射: b h (即是雙代數同態,且| _ h = id _ h ) ,則一定存在b的子代數a ,使ba h是雙代數同構。
  2. A record of 149 goals in 481 appearances puts john radford in two arsenal top 10s

  3. Radford is best remembered for leading the forward line during the double season in 1970 / 71

    拉德福德因為在1970 / 1971奪得雙冠王賽季中領銜鋒線而出名。