requires melee 中文意思是什麼

requires melee 解釋
  1. Bounty hunting 2 points, requires 30 points " increases the critical strike chance of melee and ranged attacks by 2 % against targets affected by your hunters mark. " ( 4 %

    使你的貓鼬撕咬、反擊和猛禽一擊的致命一擊有33 % / 66 % / 100 %的幾率對目標造成110點自然傷害並致殘目標,使其移動速度降低50 % ,攻擊速度降低20 % ,持續12秒。
  2. Withering touch requires 1 point in shadow form requires 35 points in shadow talents all melee and ranged attacks against you while you are in shadowform cause the attacker to suffer shadow damage equal to 4 / 7 / 10 % of the damage taken

    凋零之觸( 3點)需要: 1點暗影形態前置需要: 35點暗影系天賦所有針對暗影形態下你的近戰及遠程攻擊都將使得攻擊者受到相當于其所造成傷害4 % / 7 % / 10 %的暗影傷害。
  3. Molten armor - rank 1 requires level 62 630 mana instant cast causes 60 to 90 fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10 %. lasts 30 min

    熔鑄裝甲?等級1要求62級消耗法力630瞬發法術當被擊中時對目標造成60到90的點火焰傷害並且降低你被物理和法術傷害致命一擊的幾率10 % 。持續30分鐘。