stodge 中文意思是什麼

音標 [stɔdʒ]
stodge 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 1. 暴食,貪婪地吃,使塞飽。
2. 使充分滿足,使感到膩味。
3. 攪拌,摻合。
be stodged with tea and buns 塞滿茶點。
He often stodges himself with his newspapers. 他經常遍閱報紙。
You shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew, John. 名詞 約翰,你不要讓烤鴨和燉牛肉把你的胃口吃倒了。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 暴食,狼吞虎咽。
2. 重步行走,歷經艱苦。
n. 名詞 〈英俚〉1. 濃厚的、不易消化油膩的食物。
2. 貪吃的人,暴食者;盛筵。
3. 枯燥難學的東西,學起來令人生厭的東西。

  1. You shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew, john.

  2. It is your treat, but you shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew, john.

  3. Liver function gave problem specification to have inflammation, its expression is a little similar cold, lack of power, limb acid is lazy, stodge of be bored with

  4. The problem is existence, fatty liver needs to notice food, the flesh kind, best give up drops the stodge, still have alcoholic drink very those who hurt liver, also had better want buddhist monastic discipline to drop, the cod - liver oil pill that takes health care conduces to reduce adipose, might as well try
