stormstrike 中文意思是什麼

stormstrike 解釋
  1. Stormstrike now grants a 30 % spell damage bonus for the next 2 frost, fire or nature spells cast by the shaman

    風暴打擊現在額外提高30 %下兩次冰、火、自然法術傷害-僅限於薩滿哦。
  2. Shaman [ / color ] - lesser healing wave has a 10 % chance to grant 100 mana, lightning bolt has a 15 % chance to grant up to 100 mana, and stormstrike has a 50 % chance to grant up to 250 attack power for 10 seconds

    薩滿- [次級治療波]有10 %幾率返回你100魔法/ [閃電箭]有15 %幾率反還你100魔法/ [風暴打擊]有50 %幾率獎勵你持續10秒的250點攻擊強度
  3. Shaman - lesser healing wave has a 10 % chance to grant 100 mana, lightning bolt has a 15 % chance to grant up to 100 mana, and stormstrike has a 50 % chance to grant up to 250 attack power for 10 seconds

    薩滿祭司-次級治療波有10 %的幾率為你回復100點法力值;閃電箭有15 %幾率為你回復100點法力值;風暴打擊有50 %幾率使你的攻擊強度提高250點,持續10秒。
  4. [ color = pink ] shaman [ / color ] - lesser healing wave has a 10 % chance to grant 100 mana, lightning bolt has a 15 % chance to grant up to 100 mana, and stormstrike has a 50 % chance to grant up to 250 attack power for 10 seconds

    薩滿- [次級治療波]有10 %幾率返回你100魔法/ [閃電箭]有15 %幾率反還你100魔法/ [風暴打擊]有50 %幾率獎勵你持續10秒的250點攻擊強度
  5. Stormstrike has a new icon
