timex 中文意思是什麼

timex 解釋
  1. You can use the extensive printing formats and support for the timex ( r ) datalink watch, or can easily take information on the road in a paper planner, on a laptop computer, or on a personal digital assistant

    可使用timex ( r ) datalink手錶的豐富的列印格式和支持功能,或在旅途中用紙張計劃表、膝上型電腦或個人數字助理存儲信息。
  2. Pioneering tv journalist and timex watch pitchman john cameron swayze died in sarasota, florida, at age 89

  3. Timex is just another variation of the time utility that will present time in more readable format

  4. Here is the timex output of the same query

  5. Bush joked in his own brand of spanglish. " no wallet, no bolsa he even showed off his timex wristwatch, but quickly added : " i ' m not supposed to be endorsing products.

    他甚至還向記者們展示了自己所戴的timex手錶,但馬上又補充說: 「我可不打算在這里替某些產品做宣傳。