whitehurst 中文意思是什麼

whitehurst 解釋
  1. In three separate studies of hong kong chinese kindergartners, parents who were trained to read to their children using the dialogic reading technique, originally developed by professor grover whitehurst in the u. s., significantly improved their children s vocabulary knowledge over time as compared to children reading with their parents the way they typically did at home or not reading at all

    香港中文大學心理系進行了三項對香港本地幼稚園學生的獨立閱讀研究,當中有參與對話式閱讀訓練的家長相比于沒有參與訓練的,他們的小朋友對詞匯的認識能力有非常明顯的增加。最早期研究對話式閱讀的是一位美國教授groverwhitehurst ,中文大學嘗試將這個閱讀方法應用在中文語言及讀寫能力的學習。