yeoman 中文意思是什麼

yeoman 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 【英史】自由民。
2. 小地主,自耕農。
3. (自由民子弟組成的)義勇騎兵。
4. 【英史】(皇室、貴族的)侍者,隨從;衛士。
5. 〈美國〉【海軍】做事務工作的軍士〈倉庫管理員、信號員等〉。
adj. 形容詞 -ly (像) yeoman 的。

  1. It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation's policies.

  2. Accordingly, after a few such preliminaries, as, in spite of his having forgotten to take up his rather soapsuddy handkerchief after it had done yeoman service in the shaving line, brushing, they both walked together along beaver street, or, more properly, lane, as far as the farrier s and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the livery stables at the corner of montgomery street where they made tracks to the left from thence debouching into amiens street round by the corner of dan bergin s

  3. He proposed to set up there a national fertilising farm to be named omphalos with an obelisk hewn and erected after the fashion of egypt and to offer his dutiful yeoman services for the fecundation of any female of what grade of life soever who should there direct to him with the desire of fulfilling the functions of her natural

    乃提議在此建造國立受精場155 ,取名「中心」 ,並豎一方尖碑156 ,乃據埃及式樣鑿成。不論何等身分之女子,凡欲滿足其天然官能者一旦來此,彼必為之忠心效勞,俾使之受孕。
  4. Personnel appointed to each of the 38 established yeoman warders posts in the tower of london nowadays are all retired warrant officers of the army, royal air force and royal marines

  5. Yeoman rand. - she ' s a trekkie

  6. Byron was led by a yeoman into the presence of the commander-in-chief of the asiatic fleet.

  7. Hmmm. well, stout yeoman, a sturdy trident, if you please

    嗯… …那麼,可以的話,好商家,來一支好三叉戟。
  8. A yeoman captain

  9. The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement

  10. Yeoman ' s service

  11. All the same he must have been a bit of a natural not to see it was a yeoman cap

    然而,他想必是生來有點傻326 ,竟沒有看出那是個義勇騎兵隊隊長。
  12. A magnificent specimen of manhood he was truly, augmented obviously by gifts of a high order as compared with the other military supernumerary, that is who was just the usual everyday farewell, my gallant captain kind of an individual in the light dragoons, the 18th hussars to be accurate, and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader, that is, not the other in his own peculiar way which she of course, woman, quickly perceived as highly likely to carve his way to fame, which he almost bid fair to do till the priests and ministers of the gospel as a whole, his erstwhile staunch adherents and his beloved evicted tenants for whom he had done yeoman service in the rural parts of the country by taking up the cudgels on their behalf in a way that exceeded their most sanguine expectations, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his head, much in the same way as the fabled ass s kick

    與另外那個預備役陸軍軍官即輕騎兵,說得確切些,第十八騎兵隊的一員是「再見吧,我豪俠的上尉」 219那樣一種極其平庸的類型相形之下,他確實是位男子大丈夫中的傑出楷模,加以稟賦極高,更是相得益彰。毫無疑問,他這里指的是已垮臺的領袖,而不是另外那個人有著獨特的火暴性子,而她作為一個女人,當然一眼就看得出,並認為惟其如此,他才名揚天下。正當大功即將告成之際,全體司鐸牧師220 ,往昔那些堅定可靠的擁護者,以及他所愛護過的被剝奪了土地的佃戶們他曾在本國鄉村以超過其任何樂觀期望的勁頭替這些佃戶辯護,勇往直前為之效勞,而這些人卻為了婚姻問題一舉把他搞垮,猶如把炭火堆在他的頭上,簡直就像寓言中那頭被踢上一腳的驢221而今回顧一下往事,追想事情的整個經過,一切都恍如一場夢。
  13. Within the model of property right and transaction cost, chapter two analyzes efficiency and selection of various farm contracts theoretically. the four forms of farm contracts, yeoman, fixed rent contract, share contract and wage contract are equally efficient under the condition of zero transaction cost, which is proved in terms of theory and mathematics

  14. With hoarse rude fury the yeoman cursed. swelling in apoplectic bitch s bastard. a good thought, boy, to come
