
中文拼音 [diě]
名詞[書面語] (小土堆) little molehill; mound thrown up by ants; small mound
  1. A mound of soil, sand, or dirt formed by ants or termites in digging or building a nest

  2. He retorted, ‘ what do you mean

    反駁道: 「你這是什麼意思? 」
  3. He said, ‘ yes and they are happy about my work

    說: 「是的,他們知道,而且他們對我所做的感到高興。 」
  4. He replied, ‘ i am engaged in these acts in order to feed my family

    回答: 「我之所以這樣是為了贍養我的家庭。 」
  5. Valmiki was very hopeful of getting some money or food but this yogi had nothing on him

    因此非常憤怒,他對瑜伽士說: 「我不會放你走的。
  6. Valmiki answered, ‘ yes, i know the fruits of these deeds are suffering to come

    回答道: 「是的,我知道這一切的果報將是接踵而來的痛苦。 」
  7. You may send it international tendering department, china national technical import corporation, er li gou, xijiao, beijing, china 100044

    唐:標書可以寄中國北京西郊二里溝中國技術進口公司國際招標部。郵政編碼: 100044 。