
中文拼音 [zhuàn]
動詞(寫作) write; compose; compile
  1. The candidates employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrase

  2. Many aspiring to be elected as the party candidate employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrases and set about “ selling ” their man

    許多想成為該黨候選人的人,聘請頂級公共關系和宣傳專家,由他們寫別出心裁的宣傳口號, 「推銷」他們為之效力的候選人。
  3. Du fu is most skillful in using alliteration and assonance in his poems and he uses it most often than any other poets

  4. July 1999 originally in armenian by nana stepanian

  5. Then, tony appeared in a series of " auteur " films which soon earned him a reputation as an extremely versatile actor

    接著,偉仔在「 (拍攝自劇本的)電影導演」執導的一系列影片中出演角色,很快聲名大噪,被認為是才華橫溢的多面手演員。
  6. This paper is based on " the remodeled item of the 122mm automatic barbette servo system ". it introduced the controlled project of brushless direct current motor realized by dsp at first. on the base of analyzing and studying the driving wave of the brushless direct current motor thoroughly and fully, it carried on the servo system ' s simulink and presented the concrete software and hardware ' s devise of the whole system in the end

    本論文的寫是以「 122mm自行迫榴炮伺服控制系統的改型項目」為基礎,首先介紹了dsp實現無刷直流電機的控制方案,在深入、系統的分析和研究了無刷直流電機驅動波形的基礎上,然後進行了伺服控制系統的模擬,最後給出了伺服控制系統具體的軟硬體設計。
  7. Other articles by jonathan bartlett

    Jonathan bartlett所寫的其他文章
  8. Socket to do bios programming simulate modify

  9. 32pin rom socket to do bios programming simulate modify

  10. Abstract : there is a blind zone in the history writing of m odern chinese literature. that is the absence of feminity. this absence, caused by many factors, exists in two forms : the obvious one and the hidden one. it is a cult ural injustice which should be subverted

  11. Boswell ' s biography of johnson

  12. Hurrah ! was shouted again by the three hundred voices of the guests, and instead of music this time a chorus of singers began to sing a cantata composed by pavel ivanovitch kutuzov

    三百位客人又在高呼「烏拉! 」 ,這時可以聽見的不是音樂,而是歌手們吟唱的由帕維爾伊萬諾維奇庫圖佐夫寫的大合唱。
  13. This paper concentrrates on two cardinal points to expand as following : 1. the frame of reference ; a stock market / stock - the reference guide line ( 1 ) the essence of the method of the coefficient change of the frame of reference : by compering with the change of price relations of the reference guide line which bears correlatitivity to the reference guide line. according to the using laws of the method of the coefficient change of the frame of reference to determinant or forecast the price change trdends of the stock market

    本文的寫主要基於如下兩點對股票股市的認識理解、研究工作展開: 1 、參照系:目標股市股票?參照指標參照繫系數變動法的實質是:通過比較與具有相關關系的參照指標的比價關系的變動,按照參照繫系數變動法的運用法則,來判定預測目標股市的價格變動趨勢。
  14. That story about the cherry tree is supposed to be made up.

  15. A2 : as i am an administrative secretary, i have develop a secretary ' s training manual which explains procedures and significantly reduces clerical errors

    (作為行政秘書,我編了一本說明辦公室工作程序並減少事務性錯誤的秘書培訓手冊。 )
  16. To oversee all the details yourself in person ; to be at once pilot and captain, and owner and underwriter ; to buy and sell and keep the accounts ; to read every letter received, and write or read every letter sent ; to superintend the discharge of imports night and day ; to be upon many parts of the coast almost at the same time ? often the richest freight will be discharged upon a jersey shore ; ? to be your own telegraph, unweariedly sweeping the horizon, speaking all passing vessels bound coastwise ; to keep up a steady despatch of commodities, for the supply of such a distant and exorbitant market ; to keep yourself informed of the state of the markets, prospects of war and peace everywhere, and anticipate the tendencies of trade and civilization ? taking advantage of the results of all exploring expeditions, using new passages and all improvements in navigation ; ? charts to be studied, the position of reefs and new lights and buoys to be ascertained, and ever, and ever, the logarithmic tables to be corrected, for by the error of some calculator the vessel often splits upon a rock that should have reached a friendly pier ? there is the untold fate of la prouse ; ? universal science to be kept pace with, studying the lives of all great discoverers and navigators, great adventurers and merchants, from hanno and the phoenicians down to our day ; in fine, account of stock to be taken from time to time, to know how you stand

    親自照顧一切大小事務;兼任領航員與船長,業主與保險商;買進賣出又記賬;收到的信件每封都讀過,發出的信件每封都親自寫或審閱;日夜監督進口貨的卸落;幾乎在海岸上的許多地方,你都同時出現了似的; ? ?那裝貨最多的船總是在澤西岸上卸落的; ? ?自己還兼電報員,不知疲倦地發通訊到遠方去,和所有馳向海岸的船隻聯絡;穩當地售出貨物,供給遠方的一個無饜足的市場,既要熟悉行情,你還要明了各處的戰爭與和平的情況,預測貿易和文明的趨向; ? ?利用所有探險的成果,走最新的航道,利用一切航海技術上的進步; ? ?再要研究海圖,確定珊瑚礁和新的燈塔、浮標的位置,而航海圖表是永遠地改而又改,因為著計算上有了一點錯誤,船隻會沖撞在一塊巖石上而至於粉碎的,不然它早該到達了一個友好的碼頭了? ? ,此外,還有拉?貝魯斯的未知的命運; ? ?還得步步跟上字宙科學,要研究一切偉大的發現者、航海家、探險家和商人,從迦探險家飯能和腓尼基人直到現在所有這些人的一生,最後,時刻要記錄棧房中的貨物,你才知道自己處于什麼位置上。
  17. " our results indicate that a modest but chronic reduction of just one hour of sleep nightly in early childhood can affect the child ' s cognitive performance at school entry, " says dominique petit, a sleep researcher and coauthor of the study

    睡眠研究專家、該研究報告的寫者之一多明尼克?派提特說: 「我們的研究結果表明,在幼童時期,每晚的睡眠時間哪怕只減少一個小時,長時間持續這種狀況都會影響孩子上學時的認知表現。 」
  18. This issue includes an article on " the evolution of risc technology at ibm " by john cocke himself with victoria markstein

    這一期雜志中刊登了john cocke自己(與victoria markstein一起寫的)有關「
  19. " the first collectanea of ci poems ", one of the earliest ci collections compiled in the qing dynasty, is a great push to the evolution of ci style of early qing, and plays a certain role in the compilation of ci poems

  20. The columnists coined the phrase "to broderick", meaning to rough up.
