撲通一聲 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [tōngshēng]
撲通一聲 英文
  • : 通量詞(用於動作)
  • 撲通 : 象聲詞flop; thump; splash; pit-a-pat
  1. The log fell into the bog with a splash that could be heard half a mile away.

  2. The fish gave a flop and landed back in the water.

  3. A young girl came and flopped into her chair.

  4. After their two or three ineffectual attempts, tom reeled, and fell heavily to the ground.

  5. First, your heart falls into your stomach and splashes your innards

  6. He fell plop into the river, never to rise again

  7. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud

  8. He fell into the water with a splash.

  9. I heard a splash and saw a deer take the water 300 yards or so above me

  10. The man they called tihon, running up to the little river, splashed into it, so that the water spurted up round him, and disappearing for an instant, scrambled out on all fours, looking dark from the water, and ran on

  11. I quietly got up in the dark but tripped over a toy and crashed to the floor

  12. He returned to his condo and plopped on his bed. he did not move the rest of the night. he flew home in silence the next morning

  13. Looking round at the waters of the enns under the bridge, nesvitsky suddenly heard a sound new to him, the sound of something rapidly coming nearer something big, and then a splash in the water

  14. A coffin bumped out on to the road. burst open

  15. Then michael adjusted the iv line attached to his chest and plopped back down on the teal blue sectional to watch tv

  16. She glanced quickly around the only room and plumped down on the only available chair

  17. He went in with a sounding plunge ; the red cap came off, and remained floating on the surface ; and as soon as the splash subsided, i could see him and israel lying side by side, both wavering with the tremulous movement of the water

  18. In i got bodily into the apple barrel, and found there was scarce an apple left ; but, sitting down there in the dark, what with the sound of the waters and the rocking movement of the ship, i had either fallen asleep, or was on the point of doing so, when a heavy man sat down with rather a clash close by the barrel shook as he leaned his shoulders against it, and i was just about to jump up when the man began to speak it was silver s voice, and, before i had heard a dozen words

  19. He gave a vicious thrust to his horse, that floundered under him, and plunged into the water, making for the most rapid part of the current

  20. And, splash ! he found himself head over ears in deep water
