
中文拼音 [lǎn]
動詞1. (用鹽或其他調味品拌生魚、肉、蔬菜) mix the raw flesh of fish, meat and vegetables with salt or other flavouring2. (用熱水或石灰水泡柿子除去澀味) steep persimmons in hot water or in limewash
  1. Fig. 4 terminal doppler weather radar at tai lam chung

  2. 4 terminal doppler weather radar at tai lam chung fig

  3. Please be alert that acrobat reader is required for viewing the form, and the software can be downloaded from

  4. We regularly organize a wide range of education and extension activities for the public, details of which may be referred to the museum s quarterly newsletter

  5. For an update on the state of weather warnings, members of the public may call the observatory dial - a - weather service at 1878 200 or the observatory internet homepage

    市民如需查詢最新天氣資料,可使用天文臺打電話問天氣服務電話號碼: 1878 200或閱天文臺在國際電腦網路的網頁網址:
  6. For an update on the state of weather warnings, members of the public may call the observatory dial - a - weather service at 1878 200 or the observatory internet homepage (

    市民如需查詢最新天氣資料,可使用天文臺打電話問天氣服務(電話號碼: 1878200 )或閱天文臺在國際電腦網路的網頁(網址:
  7. In order to securely access your card account information or membership rewards information or register for online services via the internet, we recommend you use the latest browser versions available

  8. This new statutory planning portal provides a one - stop service for browsing statutory plans as well as records of planning applications, requests for amendments and objections to statutory plans. the new service is accessible at

  9. As part of the project, the museum will further organize the installation of computer informative system with 500 entries of local herbs information at the museum to enhance the interest of the visitors

  10. Managers of radar stations at tai mo shan and tai lam chung, on the other hand, have to be in close contact with the electrical and mechanical services department and the architectural services department for regular inspection and maintenance of station facilities
