
中文拼音 [qiāo]
Ⅰ動詞1. (抬起; 豎起) lift up (a leg); hold up (a finger) 2. (腳後跟抬起, 腳尖著地) on tiptoe Ⅱ名詞(高蹺) stilts
  1. She tiptoed to the bedside of the child.

  2. The only catch is the complexity of the case.

  3. Stilt dance ivory coast

  4. There are many salt pans, fish farms and brushwood in the area. currently, all salt pans in sihcao area have been shut down. as there nutrition salt circulation is stable, black - winged stilts and kentish plovers will breed here in summer ; and scolopacidae and ardeidae will gather here in winter

  5. With those words she limped off on the way to cobb's hole.

  6. The others had by now scented something peculiar.

  7. As predicted, the ants on stilts, whose stride - length meant their internal pedometers had not clicked enough times, walked blithely past their nests, and were left stranded almost five metres on the far side before they started looking for the hole

  8. Hello, sharper lmage. thanks for the combination pogo stickclock radio

    你好, sharper lmage 。真是感謝能將彈簧單高和自動定時開關收音機結合起來
  9. Hello, sharper lmage. thanks for the combination pogo stick clock radio

    你好, sharper lmage 。真是感謝能將彈簧單高和自動定時開關收音機結合起來
  10. Hello, sharper lmage. thanks for the combination pogo stick / clock radio

    你好, sharper lmage 。真是感謝能將彈簧單高和自動定時開關收音機結合起來
  11. We could not pooh-pooh these things-they had an evil look.

  12. Helicopter is hard to hover precisely for its bad stability. ordinarily, it is improved by flight control system, such like rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles which use bell bar or bell - hiller stabilizer bar. bell stabilizer bar, fixed across with teetering main rotor, consists of a bar and masses at two ends

  13. You ' ll get the seesaw. - what ' s that

    -他們會用板對付你。 -那是什麼?
  14. Valentines seesaw games - 4455 miniclip games

    情人板小游戲- 4399小游戲
  15. Mouse operation, with seesaw mm help smooth return home

  16. Meimei seesaw games - 4455 miniclip games

    美眉板小游戲- 4399小游戲
  17. Let ' s play on the seesaw / swing / merry - go - around / slide

  18. I like to play on the swing and he likes to play on the seesaw

  19. Near the seesaw i saw a saw saw the wood into four

  20. Key mobile seesaw around, the space bar will seesaw overturned
