退走 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [tuìzǒu]
退走 英文
move back; retreat
  • 退 : 動詞1 (向後移動) retreat; draw back; move back 2 (使向後移動) cause to move back; remove; wit...
  • : 動詞1 (人或鳥獸的腳交互向前移動) walk; go 2 (跑) run 3 (移動; 挪動) move 4 (離開; 去) lea...
  1. Our tenacy in the aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out.

  2. The seconds retired, the gentleman on the camp-stool did the same, and the belligerents approached each other.

  3. My new cottage. here twenty voices caught up the refrain, and the castanet player, in spite of the weight of his weapon and knapsack, bounded nimbly forward, and walked backwards facing the company, shaking his shoulders, and seeming to menace some one with the castanets

  4. At this critical moment rivenoak approached, and, by a gesture of authority, induced the young man to retire.

  5. This, incidentally, is how i first saw the south german and danubian paintings that led me back from the nineteenth century to the fifteenth, and northwards from bavaria to the netherlands, then on again to my apotheosis in the late spring of 1565, in a rich valley beneath the snowcapped peaks of the flemish alps

  6. From less to more, i worked him up to considerable irritation ; then, after he had retired, in dudgeon, quite to the other end of the room, i got up, and saying, i wish you good - night, sir, in my natural and wonted respectful manner, i slipped out by the side - door and got away

    我得寸進尺,惹得他很惱火,隨后趁他怒悻悻地退到屋子另一頭的時候,站起來象往常那樣自自然然恭恭敬敬地說了聲「祝你晚安,先生, 」便溜出邊門掉了。
  7. The other ladies had fallen back at her approach.

  8. He went away with all my clothes packed in his own bags, so i was left really up a gum tree

  9. He was sent away and, a few days later, brought back, like the bad halfpenny

  10. In all hassock communities, species richness was high in ruderals but was low in typical degraded hassocks

  11. After lunch they strolled down again to the beach. the landing craft lay high and dry far from the sea

  12. Finally, he drew back, his eyes half - lidded, and whispered huskily. “ i better go now, marla, or i will never go at all tonight

    最後,他抽身退出,雙眼半開,低聲說, 「我得了,瑪麗,否則我今夜不了。 」
  13. Then a riot occurred on july 28, 1932, when police attempted to clear a throng of bonus marchers out of a construction area.

  14. Far from doing anything of the sort, he used his power to select out of all the various courses open to him the stupidest and most pernicious of all. of all the different things napoleon might have donespending the winter in moscow, going to petersburg, going to nizhni - novgorod, going back a little more to the north or to the south, by the road kutuzov afterwards tookno course one can imagine could have been more ruinous for his army as the sequel proved than the one napoleon actually did adopt ; that is, the course of staying in moscow till october, letting the troops plunder the town, then in hesitation leaving a garrison behind, marching out of moscow, going to meet kutuzov and not giving battle, turning to the right and going as far as maley yaroslavets, again refusing to risk a battle, and finally retreating, not by the road kutuzov had taken, but by mozhaisk and the smolensk route through devastated country

  15. You can try relet, your contract prohibits without the agreement relet, if relet still does not have profit space, can talk things over with landlord retreat hire, if landlord does not agree, can walk along proceeding via the court, but i see meaning you do not take a court of justice, proceeding is too trival, hurt again amiable, delay profitable time not to say to still can not achieve the result that you expect certainly

  16. But their attitude went to another extremity when the bilateral relations suddenly deteriorated in 1989. some thought that china would soon collapse following the ussr and eastern european countries or retrogress from the policy of reform and opening - up

  17. Nell looked at the old man, who nodded to her to retire, and kissed her cheek.

  18. The dusk advanced on him steadily, rapidly, gathering in behind and before ; and the light seemed to be draining away like flood - water

  19. But venturing to peep, he perceived that the latter, instead of retiring, as might have been reasonably expected upon this announcement, were watching with increased attention

  20. Yet even when his eyes were opened on the mist and rain, on the moving patch of light from the lamps, and the hedge at the roadside retreating by jerks, the night shadow s outside the coach would fall into the train of the night shadows within
