邪惡地 的英文怎麼說

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邪惡地 英文
  1. Rich as croesus and wicked as the black man below.

  2. The world, produced from evil matter and possessed by evil demons, cannot be a creation of a good god ; it is mostly conceived of as an illusion, or an abortion, dominated by yahweh, the jewish demiurge, whose creation and history are depreciated

  3. Those envious, cruel, evil, lowest of mankind ; verily i hurl perpetually into the cycle of birth and death into the wombs of the demoniac

    那些妒忌的,狠毒的,的,最下賤的人中敗類,毫無疑問, 「我」會把他們永遠投入到魔的子胞中,不停進行生死輪回。
  4. Rediscover faydwer as you strive to thwart the plans of the evil gnomish necromancer, meldrath the malignant

  5. Heaven hath granted thee an open ignominy, that thereby thou mayest work out an open triumph over the evil within thee, and the sorrow without

  6. No other religions are permitted, though ancient beliefs survive : for example, islanders fear jinnis - evil spirits which come from the sea, land and sky

    盡管其它宗教受到了禁止,但古老的信仰卻留存下來:例如,島民都敬畏來自海洋、陸和天空的神靈? ? 「基尼」 。
  7. Maldivians believe an ancient race of sun - worshipping people called the redin were the first settlers ; their heritage involving evil spirits, or jinnis, is still evident today

    馬爾夫人相信,第一批定居者是一個膜拜太陽的古老民族? ? 「日鼎族」 ;他們遺留下來的傳統至今仍顯而易見,其中就包括神靈? ? 「基尼」 。
  8. Moulin rouge is a place of lust, a place of money, a place of devil

  9. Never did a perverse nature declare itself more prematurely.

  10. As a physiologist he believed in the artificial placation of malignant agencies chiefly operative during somnolence

  11. “ do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it be found, and protect the weak and innocent with your very life ? ” the archbishop asked taelan in a ritualistic tone

    "你發誓,不論在何時何,只要發現的存在,你就會毫不憂郁將之粉碎,用你的每一滴血去保護弱小和無辜嗎? "主教用一種宗教儀式的口吻問著泰蘭
  12. They believe in rod, the scourger almighty, creator of hell upon earth and in jacky tar, the son of a gun, who was conceived of unholy boast, born of the fighting navy, suffered under rump and dozen, was scarified, flayed and curried, yelled like bloody hell, the third day he arose again from the bed, steered into haven, sitteth on his beamend till further orders whence he shall come to drudge for a living and be paid

  13. I am not an advocate of vice, but i shall always be a sounding board for any noble heart in adversity wherever i hear its voice raised in prayer

  14. Meanwhile, the swineherd who had seen the brother cut off the foot, went and told the tale in order, and with great bitterness, to his lord, who, being informed of the fact, came to the convent and abused the friars, calling them hypocrites, deceiver, robbers, and evil men. " why, " said he, " have you cut off the foot of my swine ?

    正在這個時候,養豬人看到了這一切,傷心把整個事情經過告訴了他的主人.那主人得知了這個事實以後,來到修道院,辱罵那裡修士,稱他們是假冒為善人,騙子,強盜,的人.他說: 「你們為什麼砍下了我的豬的腳? 」
  15. Her vices sprang up vast and rank.

  16. Local people thought the zoologist was an evil person and the jury decided he was guilty

  17. Upholders of the holy light and defenders of the alliance, the paladins can be found from the northern forests of the tirisfal glades, fighting back the advance of the forsaken, to the southern reaches of the blasted lands, ceaselessly upholding their vigil against demonic forces from beyond the dark portal

  18. Mr tang hoped that now with this conference hosted here, the global network and co - operation could be further enhanced with a view to stamping out this type of borderless evil crime

  19. He eyed her evilly.

  20. A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero 's downfall.
